'생활 영어회화' 카테고리의 글 목록 (32 Page)
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생활 영어회화

매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 4. 월) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. I am the nurse here. 전 여기 간호사예요. A: Hello, I am the nurse here. The doctor has recommended getting an IV to boost your energy. B: Oh, okay. Where should I go? A: Follow me, please. I'll take you to the injection room. B: Thank you. Does the IV take a long time? A: Not too long... about half an hour? Do you need to leave by a certain time? B: Not necessarily. Thanks. A: 안녕하세요, 전 여기 간호사예..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 1. 금) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. People come together for a cause. 사람들은 의미 있는 목적을 위해 한데 뭉치지. A: Koreans peacefully protested against Japanese colonial rule on this day in 1919. B: I heard people even secretly made Korean national flags to wave on this day. A: True. And it inspired the nation's fight for independence. B: It's incredible how people come together for a cause. A: 한국인들은 1919년 오늘 일제 식민 통치에 맞서 평화적으로 시위를 벌였어...
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 2. 29. 목) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. Let's try a smaller size. 더 작은 사이즈를 신어 보죠. A: So, do they fit? B: They're a bit too tight around the toes. A: Yeah, looks like it. How about you try walking around in them? B: (walking a bit) They're slipping off my feet. Maybe they're too big. A: No worries. Let's try a smaller size. Would you like them with laces for a snug fit? B:Good idea. A: 그래, 잘 맞아? B: 발가락 있는 데가 좀 꽉 껴요. A: 응, 그렇..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 2. 28. 수) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. You're the best! 아빠 최고! A: Sweetie, I checked your old shoes, and I had no idea they're all worn out. I'm really sorry I didn't notice earlier. B: Oh, Dad, I feel bad too for asking for those expensive shoes. A: No need to feel bad, kiddo. We'll find you some comfortable shoes within our budget. B: Oh, thanks, Dad! You're the best! A: 우리 딸, 네가 전에 신던 신발을 봤는데, 그렇게 다 해진 걸 아빠는 전혀 몰랐어. 더 일찍..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 2. 27. 화) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. Stay within your means. 분수는 지키면서요. A: I'm stuck. My daughter wants pricey shoes for school. What should I do? B: Teens these days care a lot about fashion. A: Try to understand her style, even if it's pricey. B: Worried about money, though. A: Find a balance. Respect her choices but stay within your means. B: Good talk. Thanks! A: 참 난감하네. 딸이 학교 다닐 때 신겠다고 비싼 신발을 사 달라는데. 어쪄죠? B: 요즘 십대들은 ..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 2. 26. 월) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. I really want to fit in this year. 올해는 정말 아이들과 잘 어울리고 싶어요. A: Dad, can we go shopping for my new shoes? See, this is what I want. B: Oh, sweetheart, I think those shoes might be a bit too fancy and overpriced for a 12-year-old. A: But dad, everyone's wearing them, and they're so cool! I really want to fit in this year. B: I understand, kiddo, but we need to be practical. Can we revisit..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 2. 23. 금) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. How come I never thought of that? 내가 왜 그 생각을 못했지? A: Like I said, my friend Sarah is a huge fan of Korean culture, especially K-dramas. B: Okay, then I think she must visit some famous drama shooting locations. A: How come I never thought of that? There are so many popular drama sites! B: I can take her to some of those locations if she wants. A: That sounds fantastic! She would absolu..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 2. 22. 목) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. How fascinating is that! 너무 멋진걸! A: I told you about my friend Sarah who loves Korean culture. B: Oh, sure. You said she even learned Korean in college. A: That's right. Well, she's coming to Korea next month. She's super pumped. B: Wow, she's going to experience the culture she's interested in firsthand! How fascinating is that! A: Absolutely! I hope she has a wonderful time in Korea...