'생활 영어회화' 카테고리의 글 목록 (31 Page)
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생활 영어회화

매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 14. 목) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. That makes sense. 그거 말 되네. A: Eric, your draft is good, so let's focus on how you deliver it. B: Okay. I'm all ears. A: First, using pauses can really emphasize your key points. B: Pauses? Won't that just make me seem hesitant? A: Not at all. It'll give the audience time to absorb what you've said. B: That makes sense. A: 에릭, 네가 준비한 초안은 좋아. 그러니까 이제 그것을 어떻게 말로 전달할지에 집중해 보자. B: 좋아. 잘 듣고 ..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 13. 수) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. I'm worried I might mess up. 망칠까 봐 걱정돼. A: I've just been informed that I need to make a sales pitch next week. B: Hey, don't worry. Presentations can be daunting, but you've got this. A: I'm just not sure where to start, and I'm worried I might mess up. B: How about we work on your speech together? A: That would be great! B: Alright. Let's begin by outlining your main points. A: 방금 연락..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 12. 화) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. Your chocolate pie is to die for. 네가 만든 초콜릿파이는 맛이 정말 끝내 주잖아. A: Sorry I kept you waiting so long. Here's my chocolate pie! B: I told you. I shouldn't eat this at least for the next few months. A: Oh, I forgot. You're on a diet! B: Well, I have just one small bite. It won't kill me. A: No, you'll blame me later. B: But your chocolate pie is to die for. A: 미안해, 이렇게 오래 기다리게 해서. 여기 내가 만든 초..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 11. 월) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. All the workouts seem to have paid off. 그렇게 열심히 운동하더니 보람이 있었나 보네. A: Hey, Kelly, I got my OnBody results today. B: Oh, yeah? What do they say? A: It looks like my muscle development is pretty balanced. I like that. B: That's great, Mike. All the workouts seem to have paid off. A: I guess. It also suggests I need to shed about 5 kgs. B: You've got this. Just watch your diet a little mor..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 8. 금) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. We're done. 이제 다 했어요. A: Great, we're done. So, it wasn't too bad, was it? B: No, it wasn't. Thank you. A: No problem. Now, I need you to keep pressing gently on the injection site with this cotton ball. B: Sure, I can do that. How long should I keep pressing? A: Just about a minute or two should do it. A: 좋습니다. 이제 다 했어요. 어떠세요, 그렇게 나쁘진 않았죠? B: 네, 그랬어요. 감사합니다. A: 천만에요. 이제 이 솜으로 주사 맞은 부위..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 7. 목) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. It feels itchy too. 가렵기도 해요. A: Nurse, the injection site still hurts, and it feels itchy too. B: You feel itchiness too? It could be an allergic reaction. I'll check it right away. A: Yes, I'm a bit worried. B: Don't worry. We'll take all necessary measures. Just press this button when you feel uncomfortable. A: 간호사님. 주사 맞은 부위가 여전히 아프고, 가렵기도 해요. B: 가려움도 느끼시나요? 알레르기 반응일 수도 있어요. 바로 살펴보겠..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 6. 수) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. We can apply a cold compress. 저희가 냉찜질을 해 드릴 수 있어요. A: Excuse me, nurse. My arm where I got the shot still hurts. B: Oh, I see. Could you show me the area? I'll check for any swelling or redness. A: Right here. It seems a bit swollen and red. B: We can apply a cold compress. And I'll monitor it closely to make sure the pain decrease. A: 저기요, 간호사님. 주사 맞은 팔이 아직도 아파요. B: 아, 그렇군요. 어디 보여 주시겠..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(23. 3. 5. 화) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. It'll be just a slight pinch. 조금 따끔할 거예요. A: Now, let's prepare for your IV. Could you make a tight fist? It helps in finding the vein more easily. B: Understood. Is this right? A: Yes, perfect. Just hold it like that for a moment. I'm locating the vein. B: Okay. It won't hurt, right? B: Don't worry. I'll make it as painless as possible. It'll be just a slight pinch. A: 자, 이제 수액 주사를 준비..