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매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(24. 10. 15. 화) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. I just can't help but think about it. 내내 그 생각을 하게 돼서요. A: Actually, come to think of it, it might not be a bad idea at all. B: Are you talking about the rule to ban cellphones at school? A: Yup. I just can't help but think about it. B: Maybe this ban will force us to actually talk to each other more. Who knows? A: My point exactly. Well, we'll see. A: 실은 생각해 보니까 말이에요. 그게 전혀 나쁜 생각은 아닐지도..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(24. 10. 14. 월) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. They're banning cellphones at school. 학교에서 스마트폰을 금지한다는 거요. A: Sean, did you hear about the new school rule? B: Ugh, yeah. They're banning cellphones at school. Can you believe it? A: Honestly, it might not be the worst thing. B: You think? A: I mean, have you tried talking to strangers lately? It's like pulling teeth. B: I know, right? Everyone's glued to their screens. A: 숀, 그 새로운 학칙에..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(24. 10. 11. 금) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. I'll steer clear of that then. 그럼 될수록 멀리하도록 할게요. A: Sean, do you have a minute? B: Sure, what's on your mind? A: I've noticed some rumors floating around. Should I be worried? B: It's best not to get too involved in gossip. A: I see. I'll steer clear of that then. B: Good call. It's better to focus on your work and build solid relationships. A: 숀, 잠깐 시간 되세요? B: 그럼요, 하실 말씀이 뭔데요? A: 요즘 소..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(24. 10. 10. 목) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. Still figuring things out. 아직 여러가지를 익혀가고 있긴 하죠. A: Hey, Melisa. How are you settling in? B: It's been okay. Still figuring things out. A: Just a heads-up - gossip tends to spread fast around here. B: Really? I haven't heard much yet. A: Yeah, it's one of those things. Bad news travels fast, they say. A: 멜리사, 어떻게 자리를 잡아 가고 있나요? B: 이제까지는 괜찮았어요. 아직 여러가지를 익혀가고 있긴 하죠. A: 그냥 알아 두라고 하는 말인데- 소..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(24. 10. 09. 수) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. I'll make sure I'm on top of things. 업무를 잘 이해해서 알아서 처리하도록 하겠습니다. A: Have you met Janet the new manager yet? B: Not yet. What should I know about her? A: Uh, she kind of expects everyone to fend for themselves a bit more than most. B: Got it. I'll make sure I'm on top of things. A: Exactly. Learning the ropes here means being proactive. A: 새 매너저로 온 재닛을 만나 봤나요? B: 아직요. 그분에 대해서 제가 뭘 알아야 할..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(24. 10. 08. 화) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. Do you have a minute? 잠깐 시간 있나요? A: Sean, do you have a minute? I'm a bit lost with this project. B: Sure thing. What's the issue? A: I'm not sure where to start. There's so much information. B: It can be overwhelming at first. Take it step by step. A: Should I ask anyone specific for help? B: Everyone is pretty helpful, so, don't hesitate to ask around. A: 숀, 잠깐 시간 있나요? 이 프로젝트를 하다가 좀 ..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(24. 10. 07. 월) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. It's a lot to take in. 배울 게 아주 많아요. A: So, how's your first week going? B: It's a lot to take in, but everyone's been helpful. A: That's good to hear. Just remember, you'll need to fend for yourself sometimes. B: What do you mean? A: Well, you'll learn the ropes quickly, but it's not always smooth sailing. And one more thing, gossiping is not a good idea. A: 그래, 출근 첫 주 어땠어요? B: 배울 게 아주..
매일 열공하는 EBS radio shows(24. 10. 04. 금) 이지잉글리쉬, 입이 트이는 영어. @이지 잉글리쉬. Where is the meeting today? 오늘 회의가 어디인가요? (on the phone) A: Sean, I'm sorry to bother you, but where is the meeting today? B: Wow, you're early. Let me check... it's room 24 on the second floor. And I'm pretty sure it's locked. Do you know the code? A: Uh, no, I don't. I guess I got here too early. There's no one here. B: Okay, go ask Peter at security. He should know. (전화 통화) A: 숀, 귀찮..