2020년 6월 09일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio shows (이지잉글리쉬, 입트영, 스타트잉글리쉬)
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2020년 6월 09일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio shows (이지잉글리쉬, 입트영, 스타트잉글리쉬)


[Easy English] 2020 6. 9. Wow ! This website is very informative. From 자리찾기.

​​A. 와...이 사이트에 좋은 정보가 많네.
B. 음..우리가 예상했듯이 거기 문화는 꽤 다르네.
그분들께 드릴 좋은 선물을 하나 준비해.
그러면 시작이 순조롭게 잘 될거라고 씌여있네.
A. 선물? 우리나라 전통부채는 어떨까?
B. 딱 알맞은 선물이 될거같아.
가면 아주 좋은 경험을 하고 올거야.

A. Wow ! This website is very informative.
B. Like we imagined their culture is pretty different. Prepare an impressive gift for them. It says that will help you get off to a good start.
A. A gift? Right, what about a Korean traditional folding fan?
B. Sounds like a perfect present
(=They will love that gift).
You'll have quite an experience when you go.

One line speaking​

-. This is a lifesaver.

Three Line Dialogue​

-. Well...you know what I want to make a good impression.. What should I bring as a gift.
-. What about some unique snacks?
-. Oh, cool!

Pattern and speaking grammar​

-. It says that will help you get a deep sleep.
-. It says that will help you make more friends.

Book in book project​

[pick 물건]

-. Waht did you pick?
-. I picked the pink cake.
-. Oh, cool! You like strawberries.
-. That's why I picked the pink cake.

-. You know what it's so hard to pick one.
So I need sometime to pick the best one.
-. Yeah, I know what you mean.
Buying a car is difficult.
-. Yes, it is.
-. Which car do you think you will pick?

입트영(2020.06.09) - Raising Twins / 쌍둥이 육아


[Study Group Questions]

1. Are twins getting more common these days? Why do you think so?
2. What are some good gifts to give parents of twins?
3. Do you have or plan to have kids? Would you like to have twins? Why or why not?


Talk about what it's like to raise twins.
쌍둥이 육아가 어떤지에 대해서 이야기해 주세요.


My husband and I never dreamed that we would have twins. When we planned our family, we only hoped for one child, so we were taken by surprise.
As newborns, twins need to be given baby formula every two hours. Sometimes, my husband and I couldn't get a wink of sleep. The babies often threw up, so we had to give them two or three baths on some days. They are past their first birthday now, so we can at least get some shuteye at night.
Raising twins, I can see why people say there is no end to childcare. As time passes, I am learning to be patient whenever the kids act up. I manage my stress by setting aside some time for myself every day.


나와 남편은 쌍둥이를 낳을 거라고는 상상도 못했다. 가족계획을 세울 때 아이 한 명만 생각하던 우리에게는 깜짝 놀랄 만한 일이었다.
쌍둥이들이 신생아일 때는 두 시간마다 분유를 줘야 해서 나와 남편이 잠을 한숨도 못 잔 적도 있었다. 아기들이 구토를 자주 해서 목욕을 하루에 두세 번이나 시켰던 날도 있었다. 쌍둥이들이 이제 돌이 지나면서, 우리도 그나마 밤에 잠을 잘 수 있게 됐다.
쌍둥이들을 키우면서, 육아는 끝이 없다는 말을 이해하게 되었다. 시간이 지날수록 아이들이 떼를 쓸 때마다 엄마로서 인내심을 기르는 중이다. 그리고 매일 잠깐이라도 나만을 위한 시간을 내서 스트레스를 관리하고 있다.

[Key Expressions]

never dream 상상도 못하다
have twins 쌍둥이를 낳다
plan a family 가족계획을 세우다
be taken by surprise 예상치 못한 일에 놀라다, 당황하다
newborn 신생아
baby formula 분유
not get a wink of sleep 잠을 한숨도 못 자다
throw up 토하다
get some shuteye 눈을 좀 붙이다
raise twins 쌍둥이를 기르다
there is no end to ~은 끝이 없다
childcare 육아
as time passes 시간이 지날수록
learn to be patient 인내심을 기르다
act up 떼를 쓰다
manage one's stress 스트레스를 관리하다
set aside some time for myself 나만의 시간을 내다

[Pattern Practice]

1. never dream 상상도 못하다
■ My husband has a twin, so we never dreamed that we would have twins.
■ I never dreamed I would win this award.
■ He will never dream we hid it here.

2. be taken by surprise 예상치 못한 일에 놀라다, 당황하다
■ We were taken by surprise when we had twins.
■ She prepares for everything thoroughly, so she is never taken by surprise.
■ I was taken by surprise when she called me first.

3. not get a wink of sleep 잠을 한숨도 못 자다
■ Sometimes, my husband and I couldn't get a wink of sleep.
■ I didn't get a wink of sleep the night before the exam.
■ I was dozing off because I had not gotten a wink of sleep.

[Dialogue Practice]

A: How are you these days? You must have your hands full with the kids.
B: Yes! We have twins, so it's a lot of work.
A: It must be. When I had my first, I couldn't even sleep at night.
B: That's right. Still, I'm taking turns with my husband.
A: It must be very tiring.
B: I always feel drowsy and sleepy during the day because I don't get enough sleep.
A: I know how it feels.
B: Still, raising kids is a very rewarding experience.

A: 요즘 잘 지내? 아기들 키우느라 바쁘겠다.
B: 응! 쌍둥이들이라 일이 많아.
A: 그럴 거야. 나도 첫째 낳았을 때 밤에 잠도 못 잤어.
B: 맞아. 그래도 난 남편하고 돌아가며 돌보고 있어.
A: 고생이 많네.
B: 잠을 충분히 못 자니까, 낮에 항상 나른하고 졸려.
A: 내가 그 기분 알지.
B: 그래도 육아는 정말 보람된 일인 것 같아.

[Key Expressions]

have one's hands full 할 일이 매우 많다. 아주 바쁘다
take turns 번갈아 가며 하다
tiring 힘겨운
feel drowsy 나른하다
feel sleepy 졸리다
get enough sleep 충분한 수면을 취하다
know how it feels 그 기분을 알다
rewarding 보람된

[Composition Practice]

1. 언젠가 이걸 유용하게 사용할 거라고는 상상도 못했어. (never dream)
2. 그녀가 너무 갑자기 물어봐서 당황스러웠다. (be taken by surprise)
3. 소음 때문에 잠을 한숨도 못 잤다. (not get a wink of sleep)
4. 네가 할 일이 너무 많으면, 다른 사람한테 물어볼게. (have one's hands full)
5. 넌 충분한 수면을 취하지 않으면, 시험을 잘 못 볼 거야. (get enough sleep)

출처: https://gonzi.tistory.com/3660?category=428847 [困知™]
