[Easy English] 2020 6. 5. Use this program to edit your videos. From 자리찾기.
A. 짜잔! 내가 만든 최초의 영상 좀 볼래?
B. 빨리 보고 싶다! 보여 줘.
아.. 편집은 하나도 안 했어?
A. 편집? 안 했는데. 이건 그냥 내가 찍은 영상의 원본이야.
B. 이 프로그램으로 영상을 편집해 봐.
이 프로그램만 있으면, 편집은 아무것도 아니야.
A. 내가 기술적인 면에는 약한 걸 알잖아.
A. Tada~ Do you want to check out my first video?
B. I can't wait! Show me.
Ah...you didn't do any editing?
A. Editing? This is just my original video clip.
B. Use this program to edit your videos.
With this program editing is a no-brainer.
A. You know that I'm terrible with technology.
One line speaking
-. Did you make any changes?
Three Line Dialogue
-. Take a look at this video.
How can I make it better?
-. You should edit it with this program
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. With this method, learning english is a no-brainer.
-. With this coffee machine, making coffee is a no-brainer.
Book in book project
[show up/off]
-. Do you think he will show up?
-. No, he won't show up.
입트영(2020.06.05) - Street Basketball(Streetball) / 길거리 농구
[Study Group Questions]
1. What is your favorite sport? Why do you enjoy it so much?
2. Describe how street basketball is different from regular basketball.
3. What are some other popular hobbies you or your family members enjoy these days?
Talk about street basketball.
길거리 농구에 대해서 이야기해 주세요.
My son is in middle school, and he is really into basketball. He goes to a basketball academy to hone his skills. He plays basketball with his friends for hours on end.
He mostly plays street basketball with his friends. Proper basketball is a full-court game, with five players on each team. Street basketball uses a half-court, with only three players per team. Compared to the original game, there are some variations on the rules. Street basketball is exciting because it relies a lot on individual skill and is fast-paced.
The format was originally started because of a shortage of basketball courts. But now, there are separate leagues in various countries. Following the 2018 Asian Games, it was selected as an official sport at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which have been delayed by a year.
중학생인 내 아들은 농구를 무척 좋아한다. 농구 학원에 다니며 실력을 키우기도 한다. 친구들과 몇 시간씩 쉬지도 않고 농구를 한다.
친구들과는 주로 길거리 농구를 한다. 정식 농구 경기는 한 팀에 5명의 선수들이 하는 풀코트 경기이다. 길거리 농구는 한 팀에 3명의 선수들만 반코트에서 하는 경기이다. 정식 농구 경기와는 경기 규칙도 약간 다르다. 길거리 농구는 선수들의 개인기에 많이 의존하고 빠른 속도감이 있어서 박진감이 넘친다.
원래는 농구 코트가 충분하지 않아서 시작된 경기 방식인데, 이제는 여러 나라에서 별도의 리그를 운영할 정도이다. 2018년 아시안게임에 이어서, 1년 연기된 2020년 도쿄 올림픽에도 정식 종목으로 채택이 되었다.
[Key Expressions]
be really into 매우 좋아하다, 심취하다
hone one's skills 실력을 키우다
for hours on end 몇 시간씩 쉬지 않고
play street basketball 길거리 농구를 하다
variations on the rules 규칙의 변화
rely a lot on ~에 많이 의존하다
individual skill 개인기
fast-paced 속도감이 있는
a shortage of ~의 부족
be selected as ~로 채택되다
official sport 정식 종목
be delayed by ~만큼 연기되다
[Pattern Practice]
1. be really into 매우 좋아하다, 심취하다
■ My son is really into basketball these days.
■ I am really into wine these days.
■ I was really into jazz for a while.
2. for hours on end 몇 시간씩 쉬지 않고
■ He plays basketball with his friends for hours on end.
■ I studied for hours on end, but I still couldn't finish the chapter.
■ We talked for hours on end on the phone.
3. be delayed by ~만큼 연기되다
■ The 2020 Tokyo Olympics has been delayed by a year.
■ The flight was delayed by an hour because of weather conditions.
■ The event was delayed by a few months because of the coronavirus.
[Dialogue Practice]
A: Did your son come home from school?
B: No, he said he's going to play basketball. He is really into basketball lately.
A: Is he?
B: Yeah. There's a tournament at his school. He's aiming to win.
A: It's good that he set a goal for himself.
B: He's very competitive. He can't stand losing a game.
A: Boys are like that at that age.
B: Still, I'm glad he's improving his health by playing basketball.
A: 너희 아들은 학교 갔다 집에 왔니?
B: 아니, 농구하다가 온대. 요즘 농구에 푹 빠져 있거든.
A: 그래?
B: 응. 교내 대회가 있는데, 우승을 하는 것이 목표래.
A: 스스로 목표를 세우니 좋네.
B: 승부욕이 대단해. 경기에서 지는 것을 너무 싫어해.
A: 한창 그럴 나이지.
B: 그래서 농구하면서 더 건강해지고 있으니 좋아.
[Key Expressions]
be really into 푹 빠지다, 심취하다
aim to ~을 하고자 하다, 목표로 삼다
set a goal 목표를 정하다
competitive 승부욕이 있는
can't stand 매우 싫어하다, 견딜 수 없다
improve one's health 건강을 증진하다
[Composition Practice]
1. 작년에는 그녀를 정말 좋아했었어. (be really into)
2. 그는 몇 시간씩 쉬지도 않고 말을 하곤 했어. (for hours on end)
3. 출발이 30분 지연됐지만, 그래도 우린 제시간에 도착했다. (be delayed by)
4. 내 남동생은 스포츠에 있어서 승부욕이 정말 강해. (competitive)
5. 저 소리 정말 못 참겠어! (can't stand)
출처: https://gonzi.tistory.com/3657?category=428847 [困知™]
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