[Easy English] 2020 3. 19. What a coincidence!
From 자리찾기
A. 안녕하세요, 조던. 워킹투어하러 가세요?
B. 네, 그쪽도요? 정말 우연이네요!
A. 우연이라구요? 무슨 말씀이세요. 이 워킹는 여기서 꼭 해봐야 하는 것들 중 하나라구요.
B. 아...그렇네요.
A. 분명히 거의 모든 여행자들이 이 워킹 투어를 할거에요.
A. Hey, Jordan. Are you going on a walking tour?
B. Yes, you too? What a coincidence!
A. A coincidence? Come on! This walking tour is one of the best things to do here.
B. Ah, you are right.
A. I bet almost every travelers will be on this tour.
One line speaking
-. I heard a lot of people sign up for this tour.
Three Line Dialogue
-. So you are doing the tour too?
-. Of course. Why wouldn't do I?
It's the best thing in town.
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. This guide tour/Visiting the zoo is one of the best things to do here.
Book in book project
[make 사람 동사원형]
-. This movie will make you shiver(몸을0 떨다).
-. You always make me smile 미소짓다/blush 얼굴을 붉히다/빨개지다.
[입이 트이는 영어] 2020. 3. 19. Camping/캠핑
Talk about camping.
It's been quite a while(꽤 오랫 동안) since camping began to catch on(유행하다) in Korea. Now a days lots of people go camping on a regular basis(정기적으로). Due to this trend demand for camping equipment has also taken off(증가하다). In the past people randomly pitched tent(텐트르 치다) at beaches or river side and spend time there. But these days there are many designated camping site. So many campers gather at such sites. Amenities(편의시설) like power outlets and running water have really gotten better. People who are like creature comforts(삶을 안락하게 하는 것들) also use caravans(이동식주택) or campers(캠핑용 자동차). It's important to keep in mind the camping site is public spaces. You should try not to turn up your music or make too much noise late at night. You should also pick up after yourself(뒷처리를 하다) before you leave the site.
[Key expressions]
catch on...유행하다
-. That style is starting to catch on.
-. The trend is really catching on these days.
creature comforts 좋은 음식, 현대적 장비 등 삶을 안락하게 하는 것들
-. The room had all the creature comforts I wanted.
pick up after oneself...뒷정리를 하다
-. My kids never pick up after themselves.
-. I didn't have time to pick up after myself.
[Today's Dialogue]
-. What did you do last weekend?
-. I went camping with my family.
-. Oh, really? I heard camping is all the rage(인기가 많다) these days.
-. You're right. I took it off last year(시작하다). It's really great.
-. Did you buy all the camping equipments you need?
-. No, I don't need much because I mostly go to places that provide all the facilites.
-. Oh, you mean they are all inclusive camping sites?
-. Yeah, that's it. You know what people refer to as glamping(글램핑이라 부르다).
A: 지난 주말에 뭐 했니?
B: 가족들과 캠핑 갔다 왔어.
A: 아, 정말? 요즘 많이들 간다고 하던데.
B: 맞아. 나도 작년부터 가기 시작했는데, 너무 좋아.
A: 필요한 캠핑 용품도 다 샀어?
B: 아니. 주로 캠핑 시설이 다 되어 있는 곳으로 가니까 많이 필요 없어.
A: 아, 필요한 것이 전부 제공되는 캠핑장이 있어?
B: 응, 맞아. 글램핑이라고 부르는 거 있잖아.
출처: https://gonzi.tistory.com/3551?category=428847 [困知™]
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