[Easy English] 2018. 9. 7. I guess I don’t mind.
A. 너는 사귀는 남자의 전 여자친구에 대해서 알고 싶을거 같니?
B. 내 남자친구의 전 여자친구들?
음...그 사람들 얘기를 들으면 기분은 안 좋겠지만 신경 안쓸거 같아.
C. 남자친구가 자기 과거 얘기를 해줬으면 좋겠어?
B. 그 남자가 사귀었던 얘기를 너무 많이 알고 싶진 않고.
지금도 연락한다고 해도 내가 어쩌겠어? 내 남자 친구를 믿을거야.
A. Would you want to know anything about your date exes?
B. My date exes?
I wouldn't be happy to hear about them but I guess I don't mind.
A. Do you want him to tell you about his past?
B. I don't want to know too much about those relationships.
And what can I do if he stays and touch with them. I'll trust my guy.
Complete sentences
* Would you want to know...
* I wouldn't be happy...
Pattern in sentences
-. Would you want to know anything about her past/that professor?
-. What can I do if my parents tell me to go with them?
-. That's just a part of his life and I'll trust him.
Useful sentences
신경쓰지마 괜찮아....
-> Don't let it get to you.
입트영 스크립트 (2018.9.7) Extracts / 즙
Extracts 즙
사람들이 건강을 위해 마시는 다양한 종류의 즙에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
한국에서는 사람들이 건강을 위해서 다양한 즙을 마신다. 일단, 원재료의 영양분을 고농축으로 먹을수 있다는 장점이 있다. 즙은 액상 형태이기 때문에 체내 흡수도 빠르고 소화도 잘된다. 가장 흔한 형태의 즙은 사과즙, 포도즙, 석류즙과 같은 과일즙이다. 비타민 함유량이 높아서 건강에 매우 좋다. 냉장고에 여러 팩을 사다 놓고, 하루에 한 개씩 먹는 사람들이 많다. 그 외에 야채를 이용한 호박즙, 마늘즙, 토마토즙 등이 대표적인 예이다. 이 즙들 또한 비타민과 섬유질 함유량이 많아서 인기가 높다. 그 밖에도 레몬처럼 신맛이 나는 과일의 액상 즙을 먹는 경우도 있다. 체내에 독성을 제거하는 디톡스 다이어트를 하는 사람들이 주로 이러한 즙을 선호한다. 기력이 쇠할 경우, 건강을 강화하기 위한 용도로 한의원에서 맞춤으로 제작된 즙을 먹는 경우도 있다.
Talk about the various types of extracts people drink for their health.
In Korea, people drink various extracts to promote good health. One major advantage is that you can consume the nutrients of the ingredients in a concentrated from. Because they are liquids, extracts are absorbed quickly by the body, and they are easy on the stomach. The most common extracts use fruits like apples, grapes, and pomegranates. They are vitamin-rich, and very healthy. People often stock up on several packs in the fridge and drink one daily. Other major examples use vegetables like pumpkins, garlic, and tomatoes. These are also popular because they are chock full of vitamins and dietary fiber. People also drink liquid extracts of mouth-puckering fruits like lemons. They are favored by people who are on detox diets to flush out toxins from the body. Sometimes, people have extracts tailored for them at oriental medicine clinics. They are used to improve health when feeling low on energy.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
promote good health 건강을 증진하다
in a concentrated from 고농축 상태로
be absorbed quickly 빠르게 흡수되다
easy on the stomach 소화가 잘되는
pomegranate 석류
vitamin-rich 비타민 함량이 높은
stock up on ~을 쟁여 놓다
chock full of ~ 함량이 높은
dietary fiber 식이 섬유
mouth-puckering 산도가 높은
be favored by ~에게 선호되다
detox diet 디톡스 다이어트
flush out toxins 독소를 제거하다
tailored for ~에 맞춘
oriental medicine clinic 한의원
feel low on energy 기력이 쇠하다
[Pattern Practice]
1. promote good health 건강을 증진하다
In Korea, people drink various extracts to promote good health.
Getting plenty of rest promotes good health.
Everyone knows some ways to promote good health.
2. easy on the stomach 소화가 잘되는
Extracts are easy on the stomach.
For lunch today, let's get something that is easy on the stomach.
Spicy foods are not easy on the stomach, but I like them a lot.
3. chock full of ~ 함량이 높은
Fruit extracts are chock full of vitamins.
Chicken breast is chock full of protein.
It doesn't taste good, but it's chock full of nutrients.
4. be favored by ~에게 선호되다
Lemon extracts are favored by people who are on detox diets.
This clothing brand is favored by professional athletes.
We went to a restaurant that is favored by kids.
5. feel low on energy 기력이 쇠하다
Extracts are used to improve health whenfeeling low on energy.
I often feel low on energy when the weather is hot.
If you don't drink enough water, you will feel low on energy.
[Speaking Tips]
산도가 높은
신맛의 음식을 먹을 때 입숙을 오므리는 모양을 pucker라고 한다. 단, 타닌이 많아 떫은 음식을 먹을 때도 비슷한 입 모양이 되기 때문에 mouth-puckering은 산도가 높거나 떫은 음식에 모두 사용될 수 있다. 조금 더 구체적으로 떫은 것을 가리킬 때는 tannic이라는 단어를 사용하면 된다.
I eat mouth-puckering candies when I feel sleepy.
The lemonade was mouth-puckering, but I was so thirsty that I drank it all.
[Expression of the Day]
It's second nature to me.
나는 그게 아주 자연스러워.
A: What are you drinking? It smells a bit weird.
B: It's onion extract. I drink it every morning for my health.
A: Do you squeeze it every day? Doesn't that get annoying?
B: I've done it for so long, it's second nature to me. Besides, it's really healthy.
스크립트 듣기
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. What's the difference between an extract and a juice?
2. Which is healthier: vitamin pills or extracts? Why do you think so?
3. What are some other foods that people eat for their health?
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2845?category=428847 [困知™]
A. 너는 사귀는 남자의 전 여자친구에 대해서 알고 싶을거 같니?
B. 내 남자친구의 전 여자친구들?
음...그 사람들 얘기를 들으면 기분은 안 좋겠지만 신경 안쓸거 같아.
C. 남자친구가 자기 과거 얘기를 해줬으면 좋겠어?
B. 그 남자가 사귀었던 얘기를 너무 많이 알고 싶진 않고.
지금도 연락한다고 해도 내가 어쩌겠어? 내 남자 친구를 믿을거야.
A. Would you want to know anything about your date exes?
B. My date exes?
I wouldn't be happy to hear about them but I guess I don't mind.
A. Do you want him to tell you about his past?
B. I don't want to know too much about those relationships.
And what can I do if he stays and touch with them. I'll trust my guy.
Complete sentences
* Would you want to know...
* I wouldn't be happy...
Pattern in sentences
-. Would you want to know anything about her past/that professor?
-. What can I do if my parents tell me to go with them?
-. That's just a part of his life and I'll trust him.
Useful sentences
신경쓰지마 괜찮아....
-> Don't let it get to you.
입트영 스크립트 (2018.9.7) Extracts / 즙
Extracts 즙
사람들이 건강을 위해 마시는 다양한 종류의 즙에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
한국에서는 사람들이 건강을 위해서 다양한 즙을 마신다. 일단, 원재료의 영양분을 고농축으로 먹을수 있다는 장점이 있다. 즙은 액상 형태이기 때문에 체내 흡수도 빠르고 소화도 잘된다. 가장 흔한 형태의 즙은 사과즙, 포도즙, 석류즙과 같은 과일즙이다. 비타민 함유량이 높아서 건강에 매우 좋다. 냉장고에 여러 팩을 사다 놓고, 하루에 한 개씩 먹는 사람들이 많다. 그 외에 야채를 이용한 호박즙, 마늘즙, 토마토즙 등이 대표적인 예이다. 이 즙들 또한 비타민과 섬유질 함유량이 많아서 인기가 높다. 그 밖에도 레몬처럼 신맛이 나는 과일의 액상 즙을 먹는 경우도 있다. 체내에 독성을 제거하는 디톡스 다이어트를 하는 사람들이 주로 이러한 즙을 선호한다. 기력이 쇠할 경우, 건강을 강화하기 위한 용도로 한의원에서 맞춤으로 제작된 즙을 먹는 경우도 있다.
Talk about the various types of extracts people drink for their health.
In Korea, people drink various extracts to promote good health. One major advantage is that you can consume the nutrients of the ingredients in a concentrated from. Because they are liquids, extracts are absorbed quickly by the body, and they are easy on the stomach. The most common extracts use fruits like apples, grapes, and pomegranates. They are vitamin-rich, and very healthy. People often stock up on several packs in the fridge and drink one daily. Other major examples use vegetables like pumpkins, garlic, and tomatoes. These are also popular because they are chock full of vitamins and dietary fiber. People also drink liquid extracts of mouth-puckering fruits like lemons. They are favored by people who are on detox diets to flush out toxins from the body. Sometimes, people have extracts tailored for them at oriental medicine clinics. They are used to improve health when feeling low on energy.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
promote good health 건강을 증진하다
in a concentrated from 고농축 상태로
be absorbed quickly 빠르게 흡수되다
easy on the stomach 소화가 잘되는
pomegranate 석류
vitamin-rich 비타민 함량이 높은
stock up on ~을 쟁여 놓다
chock full of ~ 함량이 높은
dietary fiber 식이 섬유
mouth-puckering 산도가 높은
be favored by ~에게 선호되다
detox diet 디톡스 다이어트
flush out toxins 독소를 제거하다
tailored for ~에 맞춘
oriental medicine clinic 한의원
feel low on energy 기력이 쇠하다
[Pattern Practice]
1. promote good health 건강을 증진하다
In Korea, people drink various extracts to promote good health.
Getting plenty of rest promotes good health.
Everyone knows some ways to promote good health.
2. easy on the stomach 소화가 잘되는
Extracts are easy on the stomach.
For lunch today, let's get something that is easy on the stomach.
Spicy foods are not easy on the stomach, but I like them a lot.
3. chock full of ~ 함량이 높은
Fruit extracts are chock full of vitamins.
Chicken breast is chock full of protein.
It doesn't taste good, but it's chock full of nutrients.
4. be favored by ~에게 선호되다
Lemon extracts are favored by people who are on detox diets.
This clothing brand is favored by professional athletes.
We went to a restaurant that is favored by kids.
5. feel low on energy 기력이 쇠하다
Extracts are used to improve health whenfeeling low on energy.
I often feel low on energy when the weather is hot.
If you don't drink enough water, you will feel low on energy.
[Speaking Tips]
산도가 높은
신맛의 음식을 먹을 때 입숙을 오므리는 모양을 pucker라고 한다. 단, 타닌이 많아 떫은 음식을 먹을 때도 비슷한 입 모양이 되기 때문에 mouth-puckering은 산도가 높거나 떫은 음식에 모두 사용될 수 있다. 조금 더 구체적으로 떫은 것을 가리킬 때는 tannic이라는 단어를 사용하면 된다.
I eat mouth-puckering candies when I feel sleepy.
The lemonade was mouth-puckering, but I was so thirsty that I drank it all.
[Expression of the Day]
It's second nature to me.
나는 그게 아주 자연스러워.
A: What are you drinking? It smells a bit weird.
B: It's onion extract. I drink it every morning for my health.
A: Do you squeeze it every day? Doesn't that get annoying?
B: I've done it for so long, it's second nature to me. Besides, it's really healthy.
스크립트 듣기
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. What's the difference between an extract and a juice?
2. Which is healthier: vitamin pills or extracts? Why do you think so?
3. What are some other foods that people eat for their health?
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2845?category=428847 [困知™]
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