[Easy English] 2018. 9. 5. I've got a crush on someone.
A. 그래 소개팅 상대가 마음에 안들었단 말이야?
B. 어...미안한데, 내 스타일이 아냐.
A. 소개팅이 안된 다른 이유가 또 있어?
B. 내가 누군가를 좋아하는거 같아.
A. 뭐라구....? 그럼 나한테 말을 했어야지.
어서 그 여자에 대해 말해봐. 어떤 여자야?
A. So you didn't like your blind date?
B. Sorry but she is not my type.
A. Is there another reason it didn't go well?
B. I think I've got a crush on someone.
A. What? Then you should've told me that.
Come on, tell me about her. What's she like?
Complete sentences
* Is there another reason it didn't ...?
* I think I've got a ...
Pattern in sentences
-. Is there another reason you left her/you are mad/you left the party early?
-. You should've slept enough/told her how you felt.
-. But he didn't tell me who the women is.
Useful sentences
난 그 사람 옆에만 있으면 떨려....
-> I feel nervous around him/her.
입트영 스크립트 (2018.9.5) Diet Food / 다이어트 음식
Diet Food 다이어트 음식
다이어트를 하는 사람들이 흔히 먹는 음식에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
살을 빼려고 하는 경우, 사람들은 가장 먼저 음식을 조절한다. 대부분의 경우, 열량이 높거나 탄수화물이 많이 함유된 음식을 피하려고 한다. 그 대신 과일이나 채소의 섭취를 늘린다. 브로콜리나 양배추를 삶아서 먹는 사람들도 많다. 과일 중에는 방울토마토나 바나나가 인기가 많다. 허기를 달래기 위해서 열량은 낮으면서 포만감을 주는 음식을 먹는 경우도 많다. 고구마나 삶은 계란 등이 대표적인 예이다. 다이어트 음식 중에 가장 많이 선호하는 육류는 닭 가슴살이다. 지방 함유량이 낮고 단백질 함유량이 높아서, 살이 찌는 것을 막아 준다. 음료도 설탕이 다량 들어간 주스나 탄산음료 등을 피하는 경우가 많고, 대신 커피나 차, 물을 마신다. 다이어트를 할 때는 아침과 점심을 먹고, 저녁은 가볍게 먹는 것이 가장 좋다. 그리고 무엇보다 심야에 먹는 야식은 금물이다.
Talk about the types of food people commonly eat when they are on a diet.
When trying to shed some weight, the first thing that people do is to adjust their diet. Usually, they try to avoid high-calorie foods or foods with lots of carbs. Instead, they increase their intake of fruits and vegetables. People often eat boiled brocoli or cabbage. Cherry tomatoes and bananas are popular fruits. To tide themselves over, people often eat filling foods that are low in calories. Sweet potatoes and hard-boiled eggs are good examples. Chicken breast is the most popular type of meat among diet foods. It is low-fat and rich in protein, so it prevents weight gain. People usually steer clear of sugary drinks like juices or carbonated beverages, and opt for coffee, tea or water instead. When going on a diet, it's best to eat breakfast and lunch, but to have a light meal for dinner. Midnight snacks are a no-no.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
shed weight 살을 빼다
adjust one's diet 식단을 조절하다
low/high-calorie food 저/고칼로리 음식
carb 탄수화물(=carbohydrate)
increase one's intake of ~의 섭취량을 늘리다
cherry tomato 방울토마토
tide someone over ~의 허기를 달래다
filling food 포만감이 높은 음식
low/high in calories 칼로리가 적은/많은
rich in protein 단백질 함량이 높은
prevent weight gain 체중 증가를 방지하다
steer clear of ~을 피하다
sugary drink 고당도 음료
carbonated beverage 탄산음료
opt for ~을 선택하다
go on a diet 다이어트를 하다
have a light meal 식사를 가볍게 하다
midnight snack 야식
no-no 지양할 것
[Pattern Practice]
1. shed weight 살을 빼다
People go on diets to shed weight.
It's harder to shed weight in the winter.
You look like you have shed some weight.
2. tide someone over ~의 허기를 달래다
To tide themselves over, people often eat filling foods.
I ate some chocolate to tide myself over until dinner.
If you're hungry, I can get you a snack to tide you over.
3. low/high in calories 칼로리가 적은/많은
People try to eat foods that are low in calories.
Fried foods are high in calories.
Fruits are great snacks, because they are low in calories.
4. midnight snack 야식
Midnight snacks should be avoided when on a diet.
There are many places in Korea to order a midnight snack.
If you skip dinner, you will be tempted to have a midnight snack.
5. no-no 지양할 것
Eating late at night is a no-no.
Wearing shoes indoors is a no-no in Korea.
Talking out loud in the library is a big no-no.
[Speaking Tips]
go on a diet
다이어트를 하다
기본적으로 diet는 체중 감량이나 건강 관리를 위한 식단뿐만 아니라 unhealthy diet, uneven diet 등 모든 식습관을 포괄하는 단어다. 체중이나 건강 관리를 위해 다이어트를 하는 것은 go on a diet, be on a diet 등으로 명확히 해야 한다. 단, diet를 동사로 사용할 경우 우리에게 익숙한 '체중 감량을 위한 식사를 한다'는 뜻이 된다.
He always goes on a diet for a few weeks before his vacation.
I didn't eat fried foods when I was dieting.
[Expression of the Day]
It grows on you.
시간이 지나면 나아져.
A: What are you drinking? Is that a smoothie? Let me have some.
B: Here, try it. It's a diet smoothie. It's very low in calories.
A: Ugh, it doesn't taste very good. I think I'll just have some coffee.
B: It grows on you. It helped me lose weight last year.
스크립트 듣기
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. What are some special diets you have been on?
2. Which is more important for losing weight: eating less or exercising more?
3. Why does unhealthy food taste so good? Why is diet food often less tasty?
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2843?category=428847 [困知™]
A. 그래 소개팅 상대가 마음에 안들었단 말이야?
B. 어...미안한데, 내 스타일이 아냐.
A. 소개팅이 안된 다른 이유가 또 있어?
B. 내가 누군가를 좋아하는거 같아.
A. 뭐라구....? 그럼 나한테 말을 했어야지.
어서 그 여자에 대해 말해봐. 어떤 여자야?
A. So you didn't like your blind date?
B. Sorry but she is not my type.
A. Is there another reason it didn't go well?
B. I think I've got a crush on someone.
A. What? Then you should've told me that.
Come on, tell me about her. What's she like?
Complete sentences
* Is there another reason it didn't ...?
* I think I've got a ...
Pattern in sentences
-. Is there another reason you left her/you are mad/you left the party early?
-. You should've slept enough/told her how you felt.
-. But he didn't tell me who the women is.
Useful sentences
난 그 사람 옆에만 있으면 떨려....
-> I feel nervous around him/her.
입트영 스크립트 (2018.9.5) Diet Food / 다이어트 음식
Diet Food 다이어트 음식
다이어트를 하는 사람들이 흔히 먹는 음식에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
살을 빼려고 하는 경우, 사람들은 가장 먼저 음식을 조절한다. 대부분의 경우, 열량이 높거나 탄수화물이 많이 함유된 음식을 피하려고 한다. 그 대신 과일이나 채소의 섭취를 늘린다. 브로콜리나 양배추를 삶아서 먹는 사람들도 많다. 과일 중에는 방울토마토나 바나나가 인기가 많다. 허기를 달래기 위해서 열량은 낮으면서 포만감을 주는 음식을 먹는 경우도 많다. 고구마나 삶은 계란 등이 대표적인 예이다. 다이어트 음식 중에 가장 많이 선호하는 육류는 닭 가슴살이다. 지방 함유량이 낮고 단백질 함유량이 높아서, 살이 찌는 것을 막아 준다. 음료도 설탕이 다량 들어간 주스나 탄산음료 등을 피하는 경우가 많고, 대신 커피나 차, 물을 마신다. 다이어트를 할 때는 아침과 점심을 먹고, 저녁은 가볍게 먹는 것이 가장 좋다. 그리고 무엇보다 심야에 먹는 야식은 금물이다.
Talk about the types of food people commonly eat when they are on a diet.
When trying to shed some weight, the first thing that people do is to adjust their diet. Usually, they try to avoid high-calorie foods or foods with lots of carbs. Instead, they increase their intake of fruits and vegetables. People often eat boiled brocoli or cabbage. Cherry tomatoes and bananas are popular fruits. To tide themselves over, people often eat filling foods that are low in calories. Sweet potatoes and hard-boiled eggs are good examples. Chicken breast is the most popular type of meat among diet foods. It is low-fat and rich in protein, so it prevents weight gain. People usually steer clear of sugary drinks like juices or carbonated beverages, and opt for coffee, tea or water instead. When going on a diet, it's best to eat breakfast and lunch, but to have a light meal for dinner. Midnight snacks are a no-no.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
shed weight 살을 빼다
adjust one's diet 식단을 조절하다
low/high-calorie food 저/고칼로리 음식
carb 탄수화물(=carbohydrate)
increase one's intake of ~의 섭취량을 늘리다
cherry tomato 방울토마토
tide someone over ~의 허기를 달래다
filling food 포만감이 높은 음식
low/high in calories 칼로리가 적은/많은
rich in protein 단백질 함량이 높은
prevent weight gain 체중 증가를 방지하다
steer clear of ~을 피하다
sugary drink 고당도 음료
carbonated beverage 탄산음료
opt for ~을 선택하다
go on a diet 다이어트를 하다
have a light meal 식사를 가볍게 하다
midnight snack 야식
no-no 지양할 것
[Pattern Practice]
1. shed weight 살을 빼다
People go on diets to shed weight.
It's harder to shed weight in the winter.
You look like you have shed some weight.
2. tide someone over ~의 허기를 달래다
To tide themselves over, people often eat filling foods.
I ate some chocolate to tide myself over until dinner.
If you're hungry, I can get you a snack to tide you over.
3. low/high in calories 칼로리가 적은/많은
People try to eat foods that are low in calories.
Fried foods are high in calories.
Fruits are great snacks, because they are low in calories.
4. midnight snack 야식
Midnight snacks should be avoided when on a diet.
There are many places in Korea to order a midnight snack.
If you skip dinner, you will be tempted to have a midnight snack.
5. no-no 지양할 것
Eating late at night is a no-no.
Wearing shoes indoors is a no-no in Korea.
Talking out loud in the library is a big no-no.
[Speaking Tips]
go on a diet
다이어트를 하다
기본적으로 diet는 체중 감량이나 건강 관리를 위한 식단뿐만 아니라 unhealthy diet, uneven diet 등 모든 식습관을 포괄하는 단어다. 체중이나 건강 관리를 위해 다이어트를 하는 것은 go on a diet, be on a diet 등으로 명확히 해야 한다. 단, diet를 동사로 사용할 경우 우리에게 익숙한 '체중 감량을 위한 식사를 한다'는 뜻이 된다.
He always goes on a diet for a few weeks before his vacation.
I didn't eat fried foods when I was dieting.
[Expression of the Day]
It grows on you.
시간이 지나면 나아져.
A: What are you drinking? Is that a smoothie? Let me have some.
B: Here, try it. It's a diet smoothie. It's very low in calories.
A: Ugh, it doesn't taste very good. I think I'll just have some coffee.
B: It grows on you. It helped me lose weight last year.
스크립트 듣기
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. What are some special diets you have been on?
2. Which is more important for losing weight: eating less or exercising more?
3. Why does unhealthy food taste so good? Why is diet food often less tasty?
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2843?category=428847 [困知™]
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