2017년 9월 28일 내가 좋아하는 EBS 라디오 쇼(EasyEnglish, 입트영)
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2017년 9월 28일 내가 좋아하는 EBS 라디오 쇼(EasyEnglish, 입트영)


[출처] [Easy English] 2017. 9. 28. 한국에서도 차 문 관련 사고가 많아지고 있다는 얘기를 하는 이지|작성자 자리찾기

A. 한국에서도 자전거의 대수가 늘어나고 있잖아요.

    그리고 전보다 사고도 훨씬 많아졌구요.

B. 네, 저도 더치리치를 해봐야겠어요.

    그게 도움이 될거 같은데요. 오늘 저녁부터 시작해볼래요.

A. 그러세요. 내일 얘기해 주세요.

B. 알겠어요. 내일 회사에서 봐요.

A. Even in Korea the number of bikes is increasing.

    And there are much more accidents than before.

B. Well I think I should try the Dutch reach.

    It seems helpful. I'm going to start doing that tonight.

A. Great! Tell me about it tomorrow.

B. OK, see you at work tomorrow.


* The number of...is increasing.

* There are much more..than before.

* I think I should try...


Various Expressions

-. The number of bikes is increasing.

    ​-> More people are riding bikes.

-. I'm going to start doing that tonight​.

    -> ​.I'll start tonight.




입트영(2017.09.28) - Teenage Years / 십대 시절


Posted at 2017.09.28 07:00 | Posted in Study/English



Talk about your teenage years.

자신의 십대 시절에 대해 이야기해 주세요.


[Model Response]

Looking back, I think I was a little rebellious in my teenage years. I did not listen to my parents and always kept secrets from them. I got into trouble because I broke my curfew from time to time. I would occasionally get into fights at school as well. My parents had to come to my school when that happened. However, the biggest issue I had with my parents was over my grades. I was just not trying hard enough, and I was not getting the grades my parents wanted. I do think that I gave my parents a hard time when I was a teenager. I feel sorry for how I behaved.



되돌아보면, 저는 십대 시절에 다소 반항적이었던 것 같습니다. 저는 부모님 말씀을 잘 듣지 않고, 항상 부모님께 비밀을 갖고 있었습니다. 가끔은 통금 시간을 어겼기 때문에 부모님께 혼이 났습니다. 저는 가끔 학교에서 친구들과 싸운 적도 있습니다. 그런 일이 생기면 부모님께서 학교에 오셔야 했습니다. 그러나 부모님과의 가장 큰 갈등은 학교 성적에 관한 것이었습니다. 저는 노력을 충분히 하지 않았고, 부모님이 원하는 성적이 나오지 않았습니다. 저는 십대 시절 부모님을 힘들게 했던 것 같습니다. 저의 행동에 대해 부모님께 죄송한 마음이 듭니다.


[Extra Topics for Study Groups]

1. What was your biggest conflict with your parents in your teenage years?
2. What were you like when you were a teenager? Do you think you gave your parents a hard time?
3. Talk about your friends in your teenage years. What were they like?


[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

rebellious 반항적인
in one's teenage years 십대 시절에
keep secrets from ~에게 비밀을 갖다
get into trouble 곤경에 빠지다, 혼나다
break one's curfew 통금 시간을 어기다
occassionally 가끔씩
get into fights 싸우다

give someone a hard time ~을 힘들게 하다
feel sorry for ~에 대해 미안한 마음이 들다


[Pattern Practice]

1. in one's teenage years 십대 시절에
■ I was a little rebellious in my teenage years.
■ What were you like in your teenage years?
■ My kids gave me a hard time in their teenage years.


2. keep secrets from ~에게 비밀을 갖다
■ I kept secrets from my parents all the time.
■ I think he is keeping secrets from me.
■ I don't want you to keep secrets from me.


3. break one's curfew 통금 시간을 어기다
■ I got into trouble because I broke my curfew from time to time.
■ My dad would get angry when I broke my curfew.
■ I shouldn't break my curfew.


4. get into fights 싸우다
■ I would occasionally get into fights.
■ We used to get into fights very often.
■ Drunk people get into fights at bars sometimes.


5. give someone a hard time ~을 힘들게 하다
■ I gave my parents a hard time when I was a teenager.
■ I regret giving my parents a hard time back then.
■ He gave me a hard time when we broke up.



[Speaking Tips]

get into trouble
혼나다, 곤경에 빠지다, 위험에 빠지다 

누군가에서 혼나다라는 말을 영어로 할 때 사용하는 표현은 get into trouble이다. 또한 이 표현은 위험에 빠지다라는 뜻으로 사용되기도 한다.


예) He got into trouble because he didn't do his homework. (그는 숙제를 안 해서 혼났다.)
Children can get into trouble in the water. (아이들은 물속에서 위험해질 수도 있다.)



[Expression of the Day]

My parents were always very supportive.
부모님께서는 저를 항상 응원해 주셨습니다.


A: How were your parents when you were in school?
B: My parents were always very supportive.
A: That's nice.
B: Yeah, I've always been very close with my mom and dad.


A: 너 학교 다닐 때 부모님은 어떠셨어?
B: 부모님은 나를 항상 응원해 주셨어.
A: 그거 좋네.
B: 응. 나는 항상 부모님과 가까운 편이었어.




1. 그녀가 너한테 비밀을 가지고 있는 것 같아. (keep secrets from)
2. 통금 시간을 어기지 않도록 노력해. (break one's curfew)
3. 나는 싸우는 것을 좋아하지 않아. (get into fights)
4. 너를 힘들게 하고 싶지는 않아. (give someone a hard time)

출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2369 [困知™]2


