[Easy English] 2020 8. 11. I always use bluetooth ear phones. From 자리찾기.
A. 운전하면서 늘 전화통화를 한단말이야?
B. 응, 시간 활용을 잘하는 방법이라고 생각하는데.
A. 그러면 안되. 그거 정말 위험한거야.
B. 왜? 난 늘 블루투스 이어폰을 쓰는데 뭐.
A. 전화 통화하는 그 자체가 주위를 산만하게 하는거야.
B. 아...니 말이 맞는거 같다.
A. You always talk on the phone while driving?
B. Yes, I think it's a good way to make the most of time.
A. You should stop (doing) that.
(=That's not something you should be doing)
That's really dangerous.
B. Why? I always use bluetooth ear phones.
A. Talking on the phone at all can be distracting.
B. Maybe you are right.
One line speaking
-. I don't feel safe when you do that.
Three Line Dialogue
-. Hey, can you pur away your phone while driving?
-. It's just one text message.
-. It's not safe to text and drive.
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. I think it's a good way to live a better life.
-. I think it's a good way to learn a new language.
Book in book project
[wait for 사람/사물]
-. What are you doing here? Who are you waiting for?
-. I'm just waiting for my friend.
-. Are you waiting for train?
-. Yeah, I'm waiting for train.
-. Let's wait for the train together.
입트영(2020.08.11) - The City of Sejong / 세종시
[Study Group Questions]
1. What is your opinion on having a separate administrative capital?
2. What are some pros and cons of planned cities?
3. Describe the city you line in. What is it like? What do you like or dislike about it?
Talk about the city of Sejong.
세종시에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
The city of Sejong is a new town formed by incorporating Yeongi-gun, Cheongwon-gun, and the city of Gongju. In effect, it is the administrative capital of Korea. Several central government offices are located in the city. The National Library is within shouting distance of the government complex. There is a huge park with a lake in front of the library. Many people like to spend time there. Recently, a huge botanic garden near the park opened its gates.
In the same way that the Hangang River flows through Seoul, Sejong has the Geumgang River. There are find bike paths along the river. The natural habitat along the river is well-preserved, and many wild animals like deer live by the river. The eco-friendly environment is one of the biggest points of pride.
세종시는 연기군, 청원군, 공주시 일부가 편입되어 만들어진 신도시이다. 사실상 세종시는 대한민국의 행정 수도이다. 이 도시에는 중앙정부의 여러 부처가 위치해 있다. 정부 청사 단지에서 멀지 않은 거리에 국립 도서관이 자리잡고 있고, 도서관이 자리잡고 있고, 도서관 앞에는 커다란 호수 공원이 있다. 많은 시민들이 그곳에서 시간을 보내는 것을 즐긴다. 최근 호수 공원 근처에는 커다란 수목원이 개장을 하였다.
또한 한강이 서울시를 가로질러 흐르듯이, 세종시는 금강이 관통해서 흐르고 있다. 강변을 따라 자전거 도로가 잘 조성되어 있다. 강을 따라 자연 생태계가 잘 보존되어 있어서, 강 주변에는 고라니 등 많은 야생 동물들이 서식하고 있다. 이러한 친환경적인 생태가 큰 자랑거리 중 하나다.
[Key Expressions]
new town 신도시
incorporate 병합하다
in effect 사실상
administrative capital 행정 수도
central government offices 중앙정부 부처
within shouting distance of ~와 가까운 거리에
government complex 정부 청사(단지)
spend time somewhere ~에서 시간을 보내다
botanic garden 식물원
open its gates 개장하다, 개업하다
in the same way that ~와 마찬가지로
flow through 관통하여 흐르다
bike paths 자전거 도로
along the river 강을 따라
natural habitat 자연 생태계
well-preserved 잘 보존된
wild animal 야생 동물
by the river 강 주변에
eco-friendly 친환경적인
point of pride 자랑거리
[Pattern Practice]
1. within shouting distance of ~와 가까운 거리에
■ The National Library is within shouting distance of the government complex.
■ There is a convenience store within shouting distance of our building.
■ There are several clinics within shouting distance of the subway station.
2. open its gates 개장하다, 개업하다
■ Recently, a huge botanic garden opened its gates.
■ The park opened its gates again recently.
■ The theme park opened its gates roughly 20 years ago.
3. point of pride 자랑거리
■ This eco-friendly environment is one of the biggest points of pride.
■ It's a point of pride for me that I was the first to succeed.
■ Good service is that restaurant's point of pride.
[Dialogue Practice]
A: Didn't you say your younger sister was a civil servant?
B: That's right. She lives in Sejong.
A: Is that right? It must be because the government offices are there.
B: Yeah. Her department relocated to the city, so she moved there.
A: I see. Is she doing okay in Sejong?
B: Sure. It's a planned city, so she says it's a great environment.
A: Haven't you been there yourself?
B: Not yet. I plan to visit when I get the chance.
A: 네 여동생이 공무원이라고 하지 않았나?
B: 맞아. 세종시에 살아.
A: 그래? 정부 청사들이 거기 있어서 그렇구나.
B: 응. 일하던 부서가 거기로 이전해서 이사를 갔어.
A: 그랬구나. 세종시에 사는 것은 괜찮대?
B: 응. 계획도시여서 주변 환경이 정말 좋다고 하더라.
A: 직접 안 가 봤어?
B: 응, 아직. 언제 기회가 되면 가 보려고.
[Key Expressions]
civil servant 공무원
government offices 정부 청사
relocate to ~로 이전하다
do okay 잘 지내다
planned city 계획도시
a great environment 좋은 환경
when I get the chance 기회가 되면
[Composition Practice]
1. 우리 집에서 가까운 거리에 아주 좋은 카페가 있다. (within shouting distance of)
2. 쇼핑센터가 작년에 영업을 시작했다. (open its gates)
3. 그 요리는 그 음식점의 자랑거리야. (point of pride)
4. 아이들에게 아주 좋은 환경이야. (a great environment)
5. 기회가 되는 대로 그 보고서를 완성할게. (when I get the chance)
출처: https://gonzi.tistory.com/3749?category=428847 [困知™]
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