[Easy English] 2020 8. 3. What are you up to this afternoon? From 자리찾기.
A. 오늘 오후에 뭐해?
B. 나 치과 예약해놨어. 정기검진하려고.
A. 넌 매년 치과에 가니?
B. 6개월 마다 가.
A. 와~치과 안무서워?
B. 무섭지. 그래서 충치 생기기 전에 가는거야.
A. What are you up to this afternoon?
B. I've got a dental appointment. It's just for a regular check-up.
A. Do you see the dentist every year?
B. Every 6 month.
A. Wow~Aren't you scared of the dental clinic?
B. I am. That's why I go there before I get cavities.
One line speaking
-. I'm not looking forward to going.
Three Line Dialogue
-. I have a dentist appointment today.
-. Can I go with you?
I could use a check-up.
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. Aren't scared of spiders?
-. Aren't scared of failing the interview?
Book in book project
[buy 무엇]
-. What are you going to buy?
-. I'm going to buy 5 more pink shirts.
Home Workouts 홈 트레이닝. From
Talk about the home workout trend.
Most indoor workout classes have been put on hold because of the coronavirus. It's because there is a risk of widespread infection if lots of people work out in an enclosed space.
I have taken Pilates lessons for the last three years. But it's been over five months since my last lesson. Ever since I stopped exercising, my body has begun to feel stiff. So a while ago, I began exercising at home. I can't run or jump indoors for fear of getting noise complaints. That's why I chose yoga.
I exercise by following along to yoga videos on YouTube. Some yoga lessons are streamed in real time at a fixed time. I like that I can feel like I'm getting lessons in person, without having to go anywhere. Plus, I can save money because it doesn't cost a penny.
홈 트레이닝 추세에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
코로나바이러스로 인해서 대부분의 실내 운동 강습들이 운영되지 않고 있다. 다수의 사람들이 밀폐된 공간에서 운동을 하면 광범위한 감염의 위험이 있기 때문이다.
나는 3년 전부터 필라테스 강습을 꾸준히 받아 왔다. 그런데, 강습을 못 간 지 벌써 5개월이 넘었다. 운동을 안 하니, 몸이 빼끈해지기 시작했다. 그래서 얼마 전부터 홈 트레이닝을 시작했다. 층간 소음을 제기할까 봐 뛰는 운동은 실내에서 하기 힘들다. 그래서 요가를 선택했다.
유튜브에 올라와 있는 요가 영상들을 따라 하며 운동을 한다. 정해진 시간에 실시간으로 스트리밍되는 요가 강습도 있다. 어딘가로 따로 가지 않아도, 직접 강습을 받는 것 같아서 정말 좋다. 게다가, 비용이 전혀 들지 않아서 돈을 아낄 수도 있다.
[Key Expressions]
put on hold ~을 중단하다, 대기시키다
there is a risk of ~의 위험이 있다
widespread infection 광범위한 감염
enclosed space 밀폐된 공간
feel stiff 몸이 뻐근하다
for fear of ~의 우려로 인해
noise complaints 이웃간 소음에 대한 이의 제기
follow along to ~을 따라 하다
in real time 실시간으로
at a fixed time 정해진 시간에
get lessons 강습을 받다
in person 직접, 몸소
doesn't cost a penny 한 푼도 들지 않다
[Pattern Practice]
1. feel stiff 몸이 뻐근하다
Ever since I stopped exercising, my body has begun to feel stiff.
I often feel stiff when I wake up in the morning.
My knees feel stiff because I worked out a lot yesterday.
2. noise complaints 이웃간 소음에 대한 이의 제기
I can't run or jump indoors because of noise complaints.
We sometimes received noise complaints because of our son.
People often argue because of noise complaints.
3. doesn't cost a penny 한 푼도 들지 않다
I can save money because it doesn't cost a penny.
It doesn't cost a penny to give someone a compliment.
If you're a member, it doesn't cost a penny.
[Dialogue Practice]
A: Are you working out these days?
B: No, I can't. I used to take yoga classes, but they were put on hold a few months ago.
A: I think that's happened a lot, because of the coronavirus.
B: That's right. Since I can't work out, I feel sluggish and I'm putting on weight.
A: Me, too. I've heard that "home training" is getting popular these days.
B: That's what they call working out at home, right?
A: Yeah. People follow a schedule and exercise while watching YouTube videos.
B: Do you think we should try that?
work out 운동하다
put on hold ~을 중단하다, 대기시키다
feel sluggish 몸이 무겁다
put on weight 살이 찌다
follow a schedule 정해진 스케쥴을 따르다
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