2020년 3월 24일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio shows (이지잉글리쉬, 입트영)
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2020년 3월 24일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio shows (이지잉글리쉬, 입트영)


[Easy English] 2020 3. 24. I'm a good assistant​.

​​A. 저녁 메뉴는 뭔가요?
B. 닭갈비에요. 제가 텔레비젼 프로그램에서 배운 새로운 조리법으로 해 보려구요.
A. 맛있겠네요. 제가 뭐 도와드릴거라도 있나요?
B. 아...고맙습니다. 그럼, 마늘 좀 다져주실래요? 사과랑 양파도요.
A. 그럴게요. 저는 요리는 잘 못하지만 돕는건 잘해요.

A. What's for dinner?
B. 닭갈비. I'll try a new recipe that I learn from a TV show.
A. Excellent! Is there anything that I can hel you with?
B. Oh, thanks. Then could you chop the garlic? The same goes for the apple and the onions.
A. No problem. I'm not a good cook but I'm a good assistant.

One line speaking​​

좀 도와 주셨으면 좋겠는데요.
-. I could use a little help.

Three Line Dialogue​​

-. Oh, that sounds complicated.
   Can I help with the cooking?
-. Sure, that would  be great.

Pattern and speaking grammar​​

-. The same goes for the floor/this paper.

Book in book project​

[be 장소] ~에 있다
-. I am at the studio.
-. I'm next to you.
-. I am at the coffee shop.

[입이 트이는 영어] 2020. 3. 24. Belly Fat/뱃살 ​

Talk about belly fat.

​Belly fat is bad for many reasons. First of all it's not much to look at. It also has a detrimental effect(해로운/치명적인 효과) on your health. Many people become concern as they get older, because their belly fat swells out of control(걷잡을 수 없이 불어나다). It's because proteins in the body that store fat are activated in the stomach as people grow older. Most people on a diet want to get rid of belly fat first and foremost(최우선적으로, 다른 무엇보다도 더). To get rid of belly fat, it's best to eat lightly(가볍게 식사하다). Cardio exercise(유산소 운동) is best for burning fat. If you do weight trainning after you lose belly fat, you will develop your abs(abdoinal muscles 복근). Having a six pack is a major ambition for many people.

[Key expressions]​

​not much to look at
-. My favorite foods are usually not much to look at.

​detrimental effect
-. The game had a detrimental effect on my grades.

​cardio exercise
-. I prefer cardio exercise becasue weight trainning is boring.
-. For cardio exercise, I go swimming twice a week.

[Dialogue Practice]​

-. Wow! That's an impressive six pack.
-. Oh, this? Yeah, I worked out a lot.
-. I'm so jealous. My belly fat is a major headache(고민) for me.
-. It's only natural to gain belly fat as you get older.
-. It's true. I think I'm gaining more and more.
-. If you want to get rid of it, you need to eat less and exercise more.
-. That's easier said than done(말이 쉽지).
-. It's not easy. You need to be really determined.
