[Easy English] 2018. 4. 26. It needs to be washed by hand.
A. 빨래할거 있어? 나 빨래 하려고 하는데.
B. 그래? 그럼, 이것도 넣어주라.
A. 이건 스웨터잖아. 이건 손세탁해야하는데.
B. 아니면 세탁기를 울코스를 설정하면되지.
A. 이거 따로 빨아야 하는거 아냐?
B. 괜찮아. 그냥 세탁기에 넣어.
A. Do you have anyting to be washed? I'm going to do the laundry.
B. Are you? Then please put this one too.
A. This is a sweater. It needs to be washed by hand.
B. Or you can set the washer to the wool program.
A. Don't you have to wash this one separately?
B. It's OK. Just put it in the washing machine.
Complete sentences
* Or you can..
* Don't you have to...?
Pattern in sentences
-. Do you have anyting to be ironed/printed/copied?
-. It needs to be washed by hand/removed right away/dry cleaned.
English is all around
-> shoulder massage, full body massage, I got a facial, I need a facial.
입트영(2018.04.26) - Colds / 감기POSTED AT 2018.04.26 07:00 | POSTED IN STUDY/ENGLISH
Talk about when you came down with a cold.
감기 걸렸을 때에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
[Model Response]
A few months ago, I came down with a rotten cold. At first, I had a runny, stuffy nose. Then, I got a sore throat, and I coughed a lot. After a while, I couldn't speak because of my swollen throat. It was painful just to swallow food. I was running a fever, and I had body aches. At first, I went to the pharmacy and took over-the-counter medicine. That didn't do the trick, so I went to the hospital. I received treatment, and I got a prescription. The doctor told me to eat well, and to get plenty of bed rest. He gave me enough medicine for three days, and told me to make a return visit if I didn't get back on my feet by then. While I was sick, I lost my appetite and I lost some weight. Ever since then, I resolved to get a flu shot every year if possible.
몇 달 전에 정말 지독한 감기에 걸렸다. 처음에는 콧물이 나고 코가 막혔다. 그러다가 목구멍이 따갑고 간지러웠고, 기침을 많이 했다. 조금 지나서는 목이 부어서 아예 목소리가 나오질 않았다. 음식을 삼키는 것도 고통스러웠다. 열도 많이 났고, 몸살도 심했다. 처음에는 약국에서 약을 사다 먹었다. 하지만 효과가 없어서 병원에 갔다. 병원에 가서 진료를 받고, 약을 처방받았다. 의사가 음식을 잘 먹고 누워서 충분한 휴식을 취하라고 했다. 3일치 약을 주었는데, 다 먹고도 안 나으면 다시 오라고 했다. 아픈 동안 입맛이 없어서 체중도 조금 빠졌다. 그 이후로는 가능하면 꼭 독감 예방 주사를 매년 맞아야겠다고 마음먹었다.
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. Describe the last time you had a cold.
2. What is the worst part about catching a cold?
3. What are some tips you have for preventing or treating a cold?
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
come down with a cold 감기에 걸리다
rotten cold 지독한 감기
have a runny/stuffy nose 콧물이 나다 / 코가 막히다
get a sore throat 목이 아프다
swollen throat 부은 목
run a fever 열이 나다
body aches 몸살 통증
over-the-counter medicine 일반 무처방 의약품
do the trick 효과가 있다
receive treatment 진료를 받다
get a prescription 처방을 받다
get plenty of bed rest 누워서 충분한 휴식을 취하다
make a return visit 다시 방문하다
get back on someone's feet 컨디션을 회복하다
lose one's appetite 입맛을 잃다
resolve to ~하기로 결심하다
get a flu shot 독감 예방 접종을 맞다
[Pattern Practice]
1. come down with a cold 감기에 걸리다
■ A few months ago, I came down with a cold.
■ I come down with a cold almost every winter.
■ If you don't put on a coast, you might come down with a cold.
2. have a runny/stuffy nose 콧물이 나다 / 코가 막히다
■ At first, I had a runny nose.
■ I often have a stuffy nose because of my allergies.
■ I had a runny nose but I didn't have my handkerchief.
3. do the trick 효과가 있다
■ Oridinary medicine didn't do the trick.
■ Toothpaste can often do the trick when cleaning things.
■ When I have a headache, this medicine usually does the trick.
4. get back on someone's feet 컨디션을 회복하다
■ It took a long time to get back on my feet.
■ You need to rest in order to get back on your feet.
■ She had a light injury, but she soon got back on her feet.
5. lose one's appetite 입맛을 잃다
■ I lost my appetite while I had a cold.
■ I was so upset that I lost my appetite.
■ Even if you've lost your appetite, you still need to eat something.
[Speaking Tips]
over-the-counter medicine
일반 무처방 의약품
문화권이나 국가에 따라 의료법이나 약물 관리법이 다르기 때문에 관련 용어들도 다를 수밖에 없다. 예를 들어, 미국에서는 병원 방문이 상대적으로 드물고 처방 없이 복용 가능한 의약품이 많은 편인데, 특히 약국이나 슈퍼 등에서 처방 없이 구입 가능한 약품을 over-the-counter medicine 혹은 약자인 OTC medicine이라는 표현으로 부른다.
예) Over-the-counter medicine is not as strong as prescription medicine. (일반 의약품은 처방된 약에 비해 효과가 강하지 않다.)
I had a headache, so I took some OTC medicine. (나는 두통이 있어서 일반 의약품을 복용했다.)
[Expression of the Day]
She's feeling under the weather.
몸 상태가 안 좋대.
A: Why are you here alone? I thought you were coming with Sarah.
B: I was going to, but she's feeling under the weather.
A: Oh no! What's wrong? Did she come down with a cold?
B: I think so. It sounded like she had a swollen throat.
A: 왜 혼자 왔어? 사라랑 같이 오는 줄 알았는데.
B: 그럴 계획이었는데, 몸 상태가 안 좋대.
A: 저런! 뭐가 문제래? 감기에 걸렸나?
B: 그런 것 같아. 목이 부은 것처럼 들리더라고.
1. 큰 실패는 아니어서, 그는 곧 다시 재기했다. (get back on someone's feet)
2. 그게 너무 어려우면, 내가 뭔가 묘책이 될 만한 것을 알고 있어. (do the trick)
3. 날씨가 너무 더우면, 나는 흔히 식욕을 잃어버린다. (lose one's appetite)
4. 나는 감기에 걸리면, 차를 많이 마시고 잠을 많이 잔다. (come down with a cold)
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2650?category=428847 [困知™]
A. 빨래할거 있어? 나 빨래 하려고 하는데.
B. 그래? 그럼, 이것도 넣어주라.
A. 이건 스웨터잖아. 이건 손세탁해야하는데.
B. 아니면 세탁기를 울코스를 설정하면되지.
A. 이거 따로 빨아야 하는거 아냐?
B. 괜찮아. 그냥 세탁기에 넣어.
A. Do you have anyting to be washed? I'm going to do the laundry.
B. Are you? Then please put this one too.
A. This is a sweater. It needs to be washed by hand.
B. Or you can set the washer to the wool program.
A. Don't you have to wash this one separately?
B. It's OK. Just put it in the washing machine.
Complete sentences
* Or you can..
* Don't you have to...?
Pattern in sentences
-. Do you have anyting to be ironed/printed/copied?
-. It needs to be washed by hand/removed right away/dry cleaned.
English is all around
-> shoulder massage, full body massage, I got a facial, I need a facial.
입트영(2018.04.26) - Colds / 감기POSTED AT 2018.04.26 07:00 | POSTED IN STUDY/ENGLISH
Talk about when you came down with a cold.
감기 걸렸을 때에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
[Model Response]
A few months ago, I came down with a rotten cold. At first, I had a runny, stuffy nose. Then, I got a sore throat, and I coughed a lot. After a while, I couldn't speak because of my swollen throat. It was painful just to swallow food. I was running a fever, and I had body aches. At first, I went to the pharmacy and took over-the-counter medicine. That didn't do the trick, so I went to the hospital. I received treatment, and I got a prescription. The doctor told me to eat well, and to get plenty of bed rest. He gave me enough medicine for three days, and told me to make a return visit if I didn't get back on my feet by then. While I was sick, I lost my appetite and I lost some weight. Ever since then, I resolved to get a flu shot every year if possible.
몇 달 전에 정말 지독한 감기에 걸렸다. 처음에는 콧물이 나고 코가 막혔다. 그러다가 목구멍이 따갑고 간지러웠고, 기침을 많이 했다. 조금 지나서는 목이 부어서 아예 목소리가 나오질 않았다. 음식을 삼키는 것도 고통스러웠다. 열도 많이 났고, 몸살도 심했다. 처음에는 약국에서 약을 사다 먹었다. 하지만 효과가 없어서 병원에 갔다. 병원에 가서 진료를 받고, 약을 처방받았다. 의사가 음식을 잘 먹고 누워서 충분한 휴식을 취하라고 했다. 3일치 약을 주었는데, 다 먹고도 안 나으면 다시 오라고 했다. 아픈 동안 입맛이 없어서 체중도 조금 빠졌다. 그 이후로는 가능하면 꼭 독감 예방 주사를 매년 맞아야겠다고 마음먹었다.
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. Describe the last time you had a cold.
2. What is the worst part about catching a cold?
3. What are some tips you have for preventing or treating a cold?
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
come down with a cold 감기에 걸리다
rotten cold 지독한 감기
have a runny/stuffy nose 콧물이 나다 / 코가 막히다
get a sore throat 목이 아프다
swollen throat 부은 목
run a fever 열이 나다
body aches 몸살 통증
over-the-counter medicine 일반 무처방 의약품
do the trick 효과가 있다
receive treatment 진료를 받다
get a prescription 처방을 받다
get plenty of bed rest 누워서 충분한 휴식을 취하다
make a return visit 다시 방문하다
get back on someone's feet 컨디션을 회복하다
lose one's appetite 입맛을 잃다
resolve to ~하기로 결심하다
get a flu shot 독감 예방 접종을 맞다
[Pattern Practice]
1. come down with a cold 감기에 걸리다
■ A few months ago, I came down with a cold.
■ I come down with a cold almost every winter.
■ If you don't put on a coast, you might come down with a cold.
2. have a runny/stuffy nose 콧물이 나다 / 코가 막히다
■ At first, I had a runny nose.
■ I often have a stuffy nose because of my allergies.
■ I had a runny nose but I didn't have my handkerchief.
3. do the trick 효과가 있다
■ Oridinary medicine didn't do the trick.
■ Toothpaste can often do the trick when cleaning things.
■ When I have a headache, this medicine usually does the trick.
4. get back on someone's feet 컨디션을 회복하다
■ It took a long time to get back on my feet.
■ You need to rest in order to get back on your feet.
■ She had a light injury, but she soon got back on her feet.
5. lose one's appetite 입맛을 잃다
■ I lost my appetite while I had a cold.
■ I was so upset that I lost my appetite.
■ Even if you've lost your appetite, you still need to eat something.
[Speaking Tips]
over-the-counter medicine
일반 무처방 의약품
문화권이나 국가에 따라 의료법이나 약물 관리법이 다르기 때문에 관련 용어들도 다를 수밖에 없다. 예를 들어, 미국에서는 병원 방문이 상대적으로 드물고 처방 없이 복용 가능한 의약품이 많은 편인데, 특히 약국이나 슈퍼 등에서 처방 없이 구입 가능한 약품을 over-the-counter medicine 혹은 약자인 OTC medicine이라는 표현으로 부른다.
예) Over-the-counter medicine is not as strong as prescription medicine. (일반 의약품은 처방된 약에 비해 효과가 강하지 않다.)
I had a headache, so I took some OTC medicine. (나는 두통이 있어서 일반 의약품을 복용했다.)
[Expression of the Day]
She's feeling under the weather.
몸 상태가 안 좋대.
A: Why are you here alone? I thought you were coming with Sarah.
B: I was going to, but she's feeling under the weather.
A: Oh no! What's wrong? Did she come down with a cold?
B: I think so. It sounded like she had a swollen throat.
A: 왜 혼자 왔어? 사라랑 같이 오는 줄 알았는데.
B: 그럴 계획이었는데, 몸 상태가 안 좋대.
A: 저런! 뭐가 문제래? 감기에 걸렸나?
B: 그런 것 같아. 목이 부은 것처럼 들리더라고.
1. 큰 실패는 아니어서, 그는 곧 다시 재기했다. (get back on someone's feet)
2. 그게 너무 어려우면, 내가 뭔가 묘책이 될 만한 것을 알고 있어. (do the trick)
3. 날씨가 너무 더우면, 나는 흔히 식욕을 잃어버린다. (lose one's appetite)
4. 나는 감기에 걸리면, 차를 많이 마시고 잠을 많이 잔다. (come down with a cold)
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2650?category=428847 [困知™]
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