[Easy English] 2020 10. 2. Where did you say you were going? from 자리찾기.
A. 안녕하세요, 닉. 어디가세요?
B. 세탁물 찾으러요. 어떻게 지내셨어요?
A. 잘 지냈어요. 뭐 딱히 안좋은건 없네요. 시간을 보내는데 도움이 될만한 새로운 일을 하며 지냈어요.
B. 사회적거리두기가 우리를 더 창조적으로 만드네요, 그렇죠?
A. 맞아요. 아...근데 어디 가신다고 하셨죠?
B. 빨래방에요.
A. Hi, Nick. Where are you headed?
B. To pick up the laundry. How have you been doing?
A. Good! Nothing to complain about. I've been working on something new to help pass the time.
B. The social distancing makes us more creative, right?
A. Yes, where did you say you were going?
B. To the laundromat.
One line speaking
-. There is nothing to complain about.
Three Line Dialogue
-. I'm heading out for a bit.
-. Where are you going?
-. I need to pick up the laundry.
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. Where did you say you bought this phone?
-. Where did you say you had the picnic last week?
Book in book project
[look like... ] ...처럼 보이다
-. You don't look like your brother.
-. It looks like funny.
-. It looks like a hot
-. It looks like that restaurant close.
입트영 10. 2 Vegetarianism Vs. Veganism.
[Study Group Questions]
1. Why do you think people are eating more vegetables these days?
2. Have you ever tried a vegetarian or vegan diet? Describe your experience.
3. Do you think it is okay to kill animals for fur or leather? Why or why not?
Talk about vegetarianism and veganism.
채식주의자와 비건에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
More and more people are going vegetarian these days. Some people start for health-related reasons, while others are looking out for the environment and animals.
Vegetarians are people who don't eat meat. They do eat foods like eggs, milk, or cheese though. On the other hand, vegans avoid not only meat but all animal-based foods. They eat only plant-based foods.
Veganism originally referred to this dietary practice of eating only vegetables. But nowadays, the concept covers more ground. Vegans don't wear leather or fur clothes. They don't use cosmetic products with animal-based ingredients. In other words, it's a lifestyle that frowns upon using all animal-based products.
요즘 채식주의로 전향하는 사람들이 점점 늘고 있따. 건강상의 이유로 채식을 시작하는 사람들도 있고, 환경과 동물을 보호하려는 사람들도 있다.
채식주의자(vegetarian)는 고기를 먹지 않는 사람을 뜻한다. 하지만, 계란, 우유, 치즈와 같은 식품은 먹는다. 한편 비건(vegan)은 고기뿐만 아니라, 동물성 원료를 바탕으로 하는 모든 음식을 먹지 않는다. 오로지 식물을 바탕으로 하는 식품만 먹는다.
이렇게 채식만 하는 식습관을 부르던 비거니즘(veganism)은 요즘 그 의미가 더욱 확장되었다. 비건(vegan)은 가죽이나 모피류의 옷을 입지 않고, 동물성 원료가 들어간 화장품을 사용하지 않는다. 다시 말하자면, 동물성 원료 제품을 일체 사용하지 않는 라이프 스타일을 말한다.
[Key Expressions]
go vegetarian 채식주의자로 전향하다
health-related 건강과 관련된
look out for ~을 돌보다, 보호하다
vegetarian 채식주의자
vegan 비건(엄격한 채식주의자)
animal-based food 동물성 식품
plant-based food 식물성 식품
veganism 비거니즘
refer to ~을 지칭하다
dietary practice 식습관
cover more ground 더 많은 영역에 해당되다
cosmetic product 화장품
animal-based ingredient 동물성 재료
frown upon ~을 못마땅하게 생각하다
[Pattern Practice]
1. go vegetarian 채식주의자로 전향하다
■ More and more people are going vegetarian these days.
■ I go vegetarian for about a month every year.
■ Even after going vegetarian, I still ate cheese and milk.
2. health-related 건강과 관련된
■ Some people start for health-related reasons.
■ He quit his job because of health-related issues.
■ I am more worried by health-related problems these days.
3. frown upon ~을 못마땅하게 생각하다, 금지하다
■ It's a lifestyle that frowns upon using all animal-based products.
■ He often frowns upon taking pictures of the food.
■ My grandfather frowns upon noisy music.
[Dialogue Practice]
A : Are you familiar with veganism?
B : Isn't that what you call people who eat only vegetables?
A : You are in the ballpark. But beyond that, it's a lifestyle that completely leaves out animal-based products.
B : Oh, really? So it's a more expanded concept.
A : Yes. There are more and more vegans these days.
B : I see. I guess you could call it a social movement.
A : 비거니즘에 대해서 잘 아니?
B : 채식주의자들을 부르는 말 아냐?
A : 얼추 맞아. 그런데 그것뿐만이 아니라, 동물성 제품을 아예 사용하지 않는 생활방식이야.
B : 아, 정말? 조금 더 확장 된 개념이네.
A : 응, 요즘 비건들이 점점 늘고 있어.
B : 그렇구나, 하나의 사회 운동이라고 볼 수 있겠네.
[Key Expressions]
be familiar with 익숙하다, 알다
be in the ballpark 얼추 맞다
animal-based products 동물성 제품
you could call it ~이라 여길 수 있다
social movement 사회 운동
[Composition Practice]
1. 언제부터 채식만 하기로 결정했어? (go vegetarian)
2. 나는 요즘 건강과 관련된 책을 많이 읽고 있다. (health-related)
3. 우리 부모님께서는 늦잠 자는 것을 매우 싫어하셨어. (frown upon)
4. 나는 그녀의 작품들에 대해 잘 알아. (be familiar with)
5. 이 근처에서 가장 유명한 음식점 중 하나라고 볼 수 있어. (you could call it)
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