[Start English] 2020.05.19. How are we going to rent a car?
J: How are we going to rent a car?
A: We can rent one online. It is so simple.
J: Really? How convenient! Wherever we going to pick it up?
A: At the airport. That way, We can save a lot of time.
[Easy English] 2020 5. 19. Is chewing gum illegal in Singapore. From 자리찾기.
A. 잠깐만, 가방안에 그거 껌이야?
B. 응, 싱가폴에선 껌이 불법이야?
A. 그럼, 그건 빼는게 좋겠다. 그리고 이건 내 선물이야.
B. 아...고마워. 여행용 어댑터키트야?
A. 응, 싱가폴에서는 모든 플러그와 소켓이 G 타입이야. 그리고 표준전압이 230V이고.
A. Wait, is that a packet of chewing gum in your bag?
B. Yes, Is chewing gum illegal in Singapore?
A. Yeap, you'd better take that out. And this one is my present.
B. Oh, thanks. A travel plug adapter kit?
A. Yes, all the plugs and sokets are type G in Singapore. And the standard voltage is 230V.
One line speaking
-. You are not allowed to bring that with you.
Three Line Dialogue
-. Before you go I want you to have this.
It's just a small present.
-. Wow! Thanks for being so thoughtful.
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. You'd better be more careful.
-. You'd better buy me dinner next time.
Book in book project
[need to 동사원형]
-. You need to be more careful
-. I need to study more.
-. I need to practice more.
-. Do I need to warm it up?
입트영(2020.05.19) - Vacation Days / 휴가 제도
[Study Group Questions]
1. How do you decide when to use your vacation days?
2. Should both parents get paid parental leave when a child is born? Why or why not?
3. Why do you think most people use their vacation days in the summer?
Talk about vacation days that are given to office workers.
직장인들이 보장받는 휴가 제도에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
People who work for companies are legally entitled to a certain number of vacation days throughout the year. They can use those vacation days whenever they see fit.
It's most common to take a long break to go on a summer vacation. People also use vacation days without prior notice when they get sick or fall ill. Sometimes, when there are multiple holidays in a row, people make a long holiday by adding their own vacation days.
There are also long-term leaves of absence. When a woman has a baby, she can take a maternity leave. Both men and women can also go on a childcare leave to look after their young children.
기업에 다니는 근로자들은 연중 사용할 수 있는 휴가 일수가 법적으로 보장되어 있다. 이러한 휴가일은 본인이 원하는 시기에 사용할 수 있다.
주로 여름 휴가를 가기 위해서 길게 휴가를 내는 것이 일반적이다. 그 밖에도 몸이 아프거나 병에 걸렸을 때 얘기치 못하게 휴가를 내는 경우도 있다. 가끔씩, 휴일이 며칠 연이어 있을 때 본인 휴가를 추가해서 긴 연휴를 만들기도 한다.
또한 장기 휴직 제도도 있다. 여성들은 아이를 낳으면 출산 휴가를 받을 수 있다. 어린 아이들의 양육을 위해 남녀 모두 육아 휴직을 낼 수도 있다.
[Key Expressions]
be legally entitled to ~을 법적으로 보장받다
throughout the year 연중
whenever they see fit 적합하다고 생각될 때
take a long break 길게 휴가를 내다
go on a summer vacation 여름 휴가를 가다
without prior notice 사전 예고 없이
get sick 아프다
fall ill 병에 걸리다
in a row 연달아
leave of absence 휴직
take a maternity leave 출산 휴가를 가다
go on a childcare leave 육아 휴직을 내다
look after ~을 돌보다
[Pattern Practice]
1. whenever they see fit 적합하다고 생각될 때
■ People can use their vacation days whenever they see fit.
■ You can ask questions whenever you see fit.
■ Whenever I saw fit, I made suggestions.
2. without prior notice 사전 예고 없이
■ People sometimes have to use vacation days without prior notice.
■ The professor gave us a quiz without prior notice.
■ It's rude to visit without prior notice.
3. leave of absence 휴직
■ There are long-term leaves of absence.
■ Some people in my team took a leave of absence this year.
■ I would like to take a leave of absence, but there's too much work.
[Dialogue Practice]
A: How is your wife these days?
B: She's busy looking after the kids. She is on parental leave.
A: Oh, I didn't know that. How long is she taking off work?
B: She's taking a year off, for starters.
A: I see.
B: Last year, I was the once on parental leave.
A: Oh, really? Can men take parental leaves, too?
B: Of course. I took six months off and took care of the kids.
A: 아내는 요즘 잘 지내니?
B: 아이들 키우느라 바쁘지. 육아 휴직 중이야.
A: 아, 그런 줄 몰랐네. 얼마나 쉬는데?
B: 일단 일 년 휴직이야.
A: 그렇구나.
B: 작년에는 내가 육아 휴직을 냈어.
A: 아, 정말? 남자도 육아 휴직이 가능한가?
B: 그럼, 가능하지. 나도 6개월간 휴직해서 아이들을 돌봤어.
[Key Expressions]
look after ~을 돌보다
on parental leave 육아 휴직 중인
take off work 휴직하다
take a year off 1년 휴직하다
for starters 일단
take six months off 6개월간 휴직하다
take care of ~을 돌보다
[Composition Practice]
1. 그들은 필요하다 싶으면 언제든 쉬어도 돼. (whenever they see fit)
2. 그는 매번 사전 예고도 없이 방문해. (without prior notice)
3. 나는 휴직 중일 때도 이메일을 확인했다. (leave of absence)
4. 일단 머리부터 자르는 것이 좋겠어. (for starters)
5. 아버지께서 편찮으셔서 나는 6개월간 휴직을 했다. (take six months off)
출처: https://gonzi.tistory.com/3631?category=428847 [困知™]
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