2020.5.18 Start English.
A: Nice baseball cap!!
J: I bought it online. Do you like it?
A: I love it! So how much did it cost?
J: I got two for 20 dollor. They were having a BOGO sale. You know, "buy one, get one free."
[Easy English] 2020 5. 18. Did you pack your bags? From 자리찾기.
A. 짐은 챙겼어?
B. 거의. 제대로 잘 넣었는지 좀 봐 줄래?
A. 너 싱가폴로 여행가는거지, 그렇지? 내가 너 불쾌한 상황을 격지 않게 도와줄게.
B. 고마워. 처음으로 혼자가는 여행이라 떨려.
A. 싱가폴은 벌금의 천국이야 그러니까 조심해. 음...가만있자...어, 좋아. 금지품목은 안 들어있네.
A. Did you pack your bags? (Are you all packed?)
B. Mostly. Will you check if I put the right things in?
A. You're traveling to Singapore, right? I'll help you avoid any unpleasant situations.
B. Thanks. I'm nervous because this is my solo-trip.
A. Singapore is a country full of fines. So, be careful. Let's see. Oh, good. There are no prohibited items in here.
One line speaking
-. I can help you get ready.
너 준비하는거 도와줄 수 있는데
Three Line Dialogue
-. Can you help me pack my bags? I don't know what to bring.
-. Sure, I know exactly what you need.
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. Will you check if we have enough time for that ?
-. Will you check if it's going to rain tonight?
Book in book project
[Need ...]
-. We need more time.
-. OK, i'll ask her more time.
-. What do you need?
-. I need food.
-. Do you need a charger?
-. I didn't bring my charger. So I need a charger.
입트영(2020.05.18) - Oil Shock / 유가 파동
[Study Group Questions]
1. How did the oil shock affect the global economy?
2. What effects did the oil shock have on our daily lives?
3. What are some ways to reduce our dependence on oil?
Talk about the recent oil shock.
최근 유가 파동에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
The coronavirus pandemic led to a rapid economic contraction. Global demand for oil also took a nosedive. This was largely due to much less demand in China, which is a major consumer of petroleum products. OPEC member-nations and other oil-producing countries entered negotiations for the reduction in oil production. However, the negotiations fell through because of Russia's dissent.
As a result, oil prices began to plummet. Prices fell at rates never seen before. On some days, prices fell by 30%, which was unprecedented. Some benchmark oil prices fell to as low as 20 dollars a barrel. The ongoing game of chicken between Saudi Arabia and Russia led to a volatile oil market for quite a while.
코로나바이러스 펜데믹으로 경제가 급격히 위축되었다. 그러면서 전 세계 석유 수요도 크게 급감했다. 석유 제품을 많이 소비하는 중국의 수요가 크게 줄어든 영향이 컸다. 이에 석유 수출국기구(OPEC) 회원국과 비회원 산유국들은 원유 감산을 위해 협상에 들어갔다. 그러나 러시아의 반대로 합의는 무산됐다.
이 여파로 유가는 폭락하기 시작했다. 역대 유례가 없을 정도의 급격한 유가 하락이 이어졌다. 하루 낙폭이 전례 없이 30퍼센트를 기록한 날도 있었다. 일부 기준 유가는 배럴당 20달러 선까지 떨어졌다. 사우디아라비아와 러시아의 치킨 게임이 이어지면서 원유 시장의 불안은 상당 기간 지속되었다.
[Key Expressions]
pandemic 전염병 대유행
economic contraction 경제 위축
global demand for 국제 수요
take a nosedive 폭락하다
petroleum products 석유 제품
member-nation 회원국
oil-producing country 산유국
enter negotiations 협상에 들어가다
reduction in oil production 원유 감산
fall through 무산되다
dissent 반대
plummet 폭락하다
never seen before 유례 없는
fall by 30% 30퍼센트의 폭으로 떨어지다
unprecedented 전례 없는
benchmark oil prices 기준 유가
20 dollars a barrel 배럴당 20달러
ongoing 지속되는
game of chicken 치킨 게임
volatile 불안정한
for quite a while 상당히 오랜 기간 동안
[Pattern Practice]
1. take a nosedive 폭락하다
■ Global demand for oil took a nosedive.
■ Stock markets around the world took a nosedive.
■ The sales of many companies took a nosedive.
2. fall through 무산되다
■ The negotiations fell through because of Russia's dissent.
■ We didn't expect that the negotiations would fall through.
■ Even if it falls through, we will get another chance.
3. never seen before 유례 없는
■ Oil prices fell at rates never seen before.
■ BTS enjoyed global popularity never seen before.
■ The phone has some features that were never seen before.
[Dialogue Practice]
A: Global oil prices took a dive last March.
B: That's right. It was because oil-producing countries couldn't reach a compromise.
A: Isn't reducing production the right thing to do if there is less demand?
B: I guess each country's interests were at odds.
A: The low oil prices had a major impact on the global economy.
B: The energy companies were hit hardest.
A: Yeah, it increased uncertainty about the economy.
B: I think you're right.
A: 지난 3월에 전 세계 유가가 급락했어.
B: 맞아. 산유국들이 합의에 실패해서 그랬어.
A: 수요가 줄면 감산을 하는 것이 올바른 결정 아닌가?
B: 각 나라마다 이해관계가 충돌했겠지.
A: 유가 하락은 세계 경제에도 큰 영향을 끼쳤어.
B: 에너지 기업들의 타격이 가장 컸지.
A: 응. 경제에 대한 불확실성이 더 높아졌어.
B: 그런 것 같아.
[Key Expressions]
take a dive 급락하다
reach a compromise 타협하다, 협의하다
the right thing to do 옳은 일
be at odds 서로 충돌하다
have a major impact on ~에 큰 여파를 미치다
be hit hardest 가장 큰 타격을 입다
increase uncertainty 불확실성을 높이다
[Composition Practice]
1. 금과 은은 가격이 급락했다. (take a nosedive)
2. 거래가 무산돼서 우리는 실망했다. (fall through)
3. 그 수치는 전에 본 적 없는 수준이었어. (never seen before)
4. 이게 올바른 일인지 잘 모르겠어. (the right thing to do)
5. 우리가 의견이 서로 안 맞은 것은 처음이었어. (be at odds)
출처: https://gonzi.tistory.com/3629?category=428847 [困知™]
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