[Easy English] 2020 4. 10. You are something else. From 자리찾기.
A. 니가 피부관리에는 관심없다는거 나도 알아. 이제 회사에 들어가고 끝나면 전화해
B. 그때까지 기다리려고?
A. 응, 그게 프리랜서로 일하는 장점이지. 우리 뮤지컬 보러 가자.
B. 넌 너무 자상하다. 넌 정말 멋있는 친구야.
A. I know you don't have any interest in a facial treatment.
Now go back to work and call me when you are done.
B. Are you going to wait for me until then?
A. Yes, that't the beauty of freelancing.
Let's go see a musical.
B. Oh, that's so sweet of you.
You are something else.
One line speaking
누군가 나한테 해 준 최고였어.
-. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever dones for me.
Three Line Dialogue
-. So can you wait for me?
-. Sure, I'll meet you back here after work.
-. Oh, that's so nice of you.
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. That's the beauty of being a single/waking up early.
Book in book project
[like(=접속사) 주어 동사]
-. Our lives are not fixed like my father said.
-. Like they say everyday is a present.
-. Like we saw today there is no place more beautiful than the Grand Canyon.
입트영(2020.04.10) - Eating Alone / 혼밥 트렌드. from gonzo.
[Study Group Questions]
1. Do you prefer eating alone, or eating with others? Explain your preference.
2. What are some things people can do to prevent getting bored when they eat alone?
3. What types of food are more difficult to eat alone? Why is it so hard?
Talk about the trend of eating alone.
혼자 밥을 먹는 트렌드에 대해서 이야기해 주세요.
Just ten years ago, it was not easy to see people eating alone at restaurants. People were accustomed to having company when they ate. When people had to eat alone, they got self-conscious. It even made people feel left out.
But nowadays, things have changed. It's not hard to find people eating all by themselves at a restaurant. People think nothing of eating alone. They don't care about what others think. One reason is that a growing number of people are living alone. The trend is not limited to eating. You can sometimes see people drinking alone at bars, too.
불과 10년 전만 해도, 음식점에서 혼자 밥을 먹는 사람을 보기는 쉽지 않았다. 식사를 할 때 누군가와 같이 하는 것에 익숙했기 때문이다. 혼자 밥을 먹어야 하면, 괜히 남의 시선을 의식했고, 소외된 느낌이 들기도 했다.
그러나 요즘은 추세가 많이 바뀌었다. 음식점에서 혼자 밥을 먹는 사람들을 어렵지 않게 목격할 수 있다. 사람들은 혼자 밥을 먹는 것을 대수롭지 않게 생각한다. 남의 시선도 의식하지 않는다. 혼자 사는 사람들의 수가 늘어나고 있는 것이 그 이유 중 하나이다. 식사뿐만 아니라, 술집에서 혼자 술을 마시는 사람들도 간혹 목격할 수 있다.
[Key Expressions]
eat alone 혼자 밥을 먹다
be accustomed to ~에 익숙하다
have company 일행이 있다
get self-conscious 남의 시선을 의식하다
feel left out 소외된 기분이 들다
all by oneself 홀로
think nothing of ~을 대수롭지 않게 생각하다
live alone 혼자 살다
be not limited to ~에 국한되지 않다
drink alone 혼자 술을 마시다
[Pattern Practice]
1. have company 일행이 있다
■ People were accustomed to having company when they ate.
■ I don't like to have company when I am studying.
■ I like having company at restaurants because we can order more dishes.
2. feel left out 소외된 기분이 들다
■ Eating alone even made people feel left out.
■ I often felt left out when my brothers played without me.
■ Don't let anyone feel left out.
3. think nothing of ~을 대수롭지 않게 생각하다
■ People think nothing of eating alone.
■ I think nothing of getting criticized by other people.
■ He thinks nothing of running 10 km.
[Dialogue Practice]
A: I'm starving. Have you had dinner?
B: Yeah. I ate a little early today.
A: Really? Who did you eat with?
B: I ate alone at the restaurant across the street.
A: Alone? Didn't you feel lonely, eating all by yourself?
B: Not at all. Why would I feel lonely? I eat alone all the time.
A: I guess you're used to it. I can't eat by myself anywhere.
B: It's only hard at first. After a while, it grows on you.
A: 정말 배고프다. 너 저녁 먹었니?
B: 응. 오늘은 조금 일찍 먹었어.
A: 정말? 누구랑 먹었는데?
B: 길 건너 음식점에서 혼자 먹었어.
A: 혼자? 혼자 먹기 외롭지 않았어?
B: 아니. 뭐가 외로워? 난 맨날 혼자 먹어.
A: 익숙해서 그런가 보다. 난 어디 가서 혼자 못 먹겠어.
B: 처음이 어렵지. 하다 보면 점점 편해져.
[Key Expressions]
be starving 배가 매우 고프다
across the street 길 건너편에
feel lonely 외롭다
eat all by oneself 혼자 먹다
be used to ~에 익숙하다
grow on someone 점차 마음에 들게 되다
[Composition Practice]
1. 그녀는 항상 주변에 사람이 있다. (have company)
2. 소외된 느낌이 들면 나한테 전화해. (feel left out)
3. 나는 보통 이 시간에 일어나는 것을 대수롭지 않게 생각한다. (think nothing of)
4. 나는 늦게 가는 것이 익숙해. (be used to)
5. 먹을수록 그 요리가 내 마음에 들었다. (grow on someone)
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