[Easy English] 2018. 9. 24. It goes by the lunar calendar.
A. 해피 추석! 어서들어와. 다들 배고프지? 먹을것 좀 가지고 올게.
B. 고마워. 추석이 미국의 추수감사절 같은거지, 그렇지?
A. 응, 한국의 주요 명절 중 하나야. 8월 15일이지.
B. 그래? 근데 오늘은 9월 24일이잖아?
A. 아...음력으로 하는거야.
A. Happy 추석! Come on in.
Are you guys hungry? I'll get some food for you.
B. Thanks. 추석 is like Thanksgiving day in America, right?
A. Yes, it's one of our major holidays in Korea. It's on the 15th of August.
B. Is it? But today is the 24th of Septemper.
A. Oh, it goes by the lunar calendar.
Complete sentences
* 추석 is like...
* It's one of....s
Pattern in sentences
-. I'll get some coffee/snacks for you.
-. It's one of our major tonermants of American football.
-. Our foreign friends visited our house today.
Useful sentences
먹는걸 조절해야할거 같아요....
-> I should watch what I eat.
입트영(2018.09.24) - Senior Year in High School / 고등학교 3학년
Talk about the lives of seniors in Korean high schools.
한국의 고3 학생들의 생활에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
[Model Response]
Senior year of high school in Korea is a trying time for students. It's when they have to get down to business and prepare for college admissions. They need to prep for the SATs at the end of the year, so they have a heavy workload. Students also have to submit applications to colleges in various forms, including regular and early admissions. High school seniors go to school at the crack of dawn, and take classes all day. After school, they attend private cram schools. Many study even more through online lectures, and some receive private tutoring. In addition to the students, the whole family goes to great lengths to provide a good atmosphere for studying. It's worth it if the student gets into their college of choice, but those who don't sometimes try again the next year.
우리나라에서 고등학교 3학년은 학생들에게 매우 힘겨운 시기다. 대학 입시를 집중적으로 준비해야 하는 시기다. 연말에 치를 대학수학능력평가를 준비해야 해서 학습 부담이 매우 높다. 그들은 또한 정시 전형, 수시 전형 등 여러 가지 방법으로 대학에 입학 지원서를 내야 한다. 고3 수험생들은 아침 일찍 학교에 가서 하루 종일 수업을 듣는다. 방과 후에는 사설 학원을 간다. 인터넷 강의를 통해 추가로 공부를 더 하는 경우도 많고, 개인 과외를 받는 경우도 있다. 학생뿐만 아니라, 온 가족이 수험생의 학습 환경을 만들어 주기 위해 최선을 다한다. 원하는 대학에 진학하면 다행이지만, 그렇지 못한 경우에는 재수를 하기도 한다.
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. Did you enjoy your time as a high school senior? Why or why not?
2. What are some ways that students can deal with stress?
3. Is it harder being an adult, or a high school senior? Explain your answer.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
senior year 4년차
trying time 힘든 시기
get down to business 본격적으로 착수하다
college admission 대학 입시
prep for ~을 준비하다
heavy workload 많은 학업량/업무량
submit an application 지원서를 제출하다
regular/early admission 정시/수시 입학
crack of dawn 꼭두새벽
cram school 입시 학원, 보습 학원
online lecture 인터넷 강의
private tutoring 개인 과외
go to great lengths 최선을 다하다
of choice 1지망의, 선택되는
[Pattern Practice]
1. trying time 힘든 시기
■ Senior year of high school in Korea is a trying time for students.
■ Last year was a trying time for our family.
■ Couples often fight during trying times.
2. get down to business 본격적으로 착수하다
■ It's when they have to get down to business and prepare for college admissions.
■ You should stop chatting and get down to business.
■ He jokes a lot, but he's serious when he gets down to business.
3. heavy workload 많은 학업량/업무량
■ Students have a heavy workload.
■ I had a heavy workload when I got back from my vacation.
■ She has such a heavy workload that she has to work on the weekend.
4. crack of dawn 꼭두새벽
■ High school seniors go to school at the crack of dawn.
■ I woke up at the crack of dawn on the day of our trip.
■ This coffee shop opens at the crack of dawn.
5. go to great lengths 최선을 다하다
■ The whole family goes to great lengths to provide a good atmosphere for studying.
■ When my wife was sick, I went to great lengths to make her comfortable.
■ We went to great lengths to finish on time.
[Speaking Tips]
cram school
입시 학원, 보습 학원
흔히 학원을 academy라고 부르는데, 서양에서는 일반 학교나 예술원 등도 academy라 부르기 떄문에 의미가 모호해질 수 있다. 일반적으로 우리가 생각하는 입시 준비를 위한 '입시 학원'은 cram school이라고 표현하는 것이 좋은데, 이때 cram은 '꽉꽉 채워 넣다'라는 뜻이다.
예) I have to go to a cram school every weekend. (나는 주말마다 입시 학원에 다녀야 한다.)
I attended a cram school for a few months before the test. (시험을 보기 전에 몇 달간 입시 학원에 다녔다.)
[Expression of the Day]
I have faith in you.
난 너를 믿어.
A: You look a little bit upset today. What's wrong? Are you okay?
B: I'm just tried from studying so much. The test is less than 2 months away.
A: Don't worry so much. You'll do fine. I have faith in you.
B: Thanks for your support. I'll be glad when this is all over.
A: 오늘 좀 속상해 보이네. 뭐가 문제야? 괜찮니?
B: 그냥 공부를 많이 해서 피곤해요. 시험까지 2달도 안 남았거든요.
A: 너무 걱정하지 마. 잘할 거야. 난 너를 믿어.
B: 응원해 줘서 고마워요. 이 일이 다 끝나 버렸으면 좋겠어요.
1. 본격적으로 일을 하기 전에 그녀에게 가족의 안부를 물었다. (get down to business)
2. 높은 업무 부담에도 불구하고 그는 늘 태도가 긍정적이다. (heavy workload)
3. 요즘은 힘든 시기지만, 곧 끝날 것이다. (trying time)
4. 비행기를 타기 위해 우리는 꼭두새벽에 일어나야만 했다. (crack of dawn)
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2862?category=428847 [困知™]
A. 해피 추석! 어서들어와. 다들 배고프지? 먹을것 좀 가지고 올게.
B. 고마워. 추석이 미국의 추수감사절 같은거지, 그렇지?
A. 응, 한국의 주요 명절 중 하나야. 8월 15일이지.
B. 그래? 근데 오늘은 9월 24일이잖아?
A. 아...음력으로 하는거야.
A. Happy 추석! Come on in.
Are you guys hungry? I'll get some food for you.
B. Thanks. 추석 is like Thanksgiving day in America, right?
A. Yes, it's one of our major holidays in Korea. It's on the 15th of August.
B. Is it? But today is the 24th of Septemper.
A. Oh, it goes by the lunar calendar.
Complete sentences
* 추석 is like...
* It's one of....s
Pattern in sentences
-. I'll get some coffee/snacks for you.
-. It's one of our major tonermants of American football.
-. Our foreign friends visited our house today.
Useful sentences
먹는걸 조절해야할거 같아요....
-> I should watch what I eat.
입트영(2018.09.24) - Senior Year in High School / 고등학교 3학년
Talk about the lives of seniors in Korean high schools.
한국의 고3 학생들의 생활에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
[Model Response]
Senior year of high school in Korea is a trying time for students. It's when they have to get down to business and prepare for college admissions. They need to prep for the SATs at the end of the year, so they have a heavy workload. Students also have to submit applications to colleges in various forms, including regular and early admissions. High school seniors go to school at the crack of dawn, and take classes all day. After school, they attend private cram schools. Many study even more through online lectures, and some receive private tutoring. In addition to the students, the whole family goes to great lengths to provide a good atmosphere for studying. It's worth it if the student gets into their college of choice, but those who don't sometimes try again the next year.
우리나라에서 고등학교 3학년은 학생들에게 매우 힘겨운 시기다. 대학 입시를 집중적으로 준비해야 하는 시기다. 연말에 치를 대학수학능력평가를 준비해야 해서 학습 부담이 매우 높다. 그들은 또한 정시 전형, 수시 전형 등 여러 가지 방법으로 대학에 입학 지원서를 내야 한다. 고3 수험생들은 아침 일찍 학교에 가서 하루 종일 수업을 듣는다. 방과 후에는 사설 학원을 간다. 인터넷 강의를 통해 추가로 공부를 더 하는 경우도 많고, 개인 과외를 받는 경우도 있다. 학생뿐만 아니라, 온 가족이 수험생의 학습 환경을 만들어 주기 위해 최선을 다한다. 원하는 대학에 진학하면 다행이지만, 그렇지 못한 경우에는 재수를 하기도 한다.
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. Did you enjoy your time as a high school senior? Why or why not?
2. What are some ways that students can deal with stress?
3. Is it harder being an adult, or a high school senior? Explain your answer.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
senior year 4년차
trying time 힘든 시기
get down to business 본격적으로 착수하다
college admission 대학 입시
prep for ~을 준비하다
heavy workload 많은 학업량/업무량
submit an application 지원서를 제출하다
regular/early admission 정시/수시 입학
crack of dawn 꼭두새벽
cram school 입시 학원, 보습 학원
online lecture 인터넷 강의
private tutoring 개인 과외
go to great lengths 최선을 다하다
of choice 1지망의, 선택되는
[Pattern Practice]
1. trying time 힘든 시기
■ Senior year of high school in Korea is a trying time for students.
■ Last year was a trying time for our family.
■ Couples often fight during trying times.
2. get down to business 본격적으로 착수하다
■ It's when they have to get down to business and prepare for college admissions.
■ You should stop chatting and get down to business.
■ He jokes a lot, but he's serious when he gets down to business.
3. heavy workload 많은 학업량/업무량
■ Students have a heavy workload.
■ I had a heavy workload when I got back from my vacation.
■ She has such a heavy workload that she has to work on the weekend.
4. crack of dawn 꼭두새벽
■ High school seniors go to school at the crack of dawn.
■ I woke up at the crack of dawn on the day of our trip.
■ This coffee shop opens at the crack of dawn.
5. go to great lengths 최선을 다하다
■ The whole family goes to great lengths to provide a good atmosphere for studying.
■ When my wife was sick, I went to great lengths to make her comfortable.
■ We went to great lengths to finish on time.
[Speaking Tips]
cram school
입시 학원, 보습 학원
흔히 학원을 academy라고 부르는데, 서양에서는 일반 학교나 예술원 등도 academy라 부르기 떄문에 의미가 모호해질 수 있다. 일반적으로 우리가 생각하는 입시 준비를 위한 '입시 학원'은 cram school이라고 표현하는 것이 좋은데, 이때 cram은 '꽉꽉 채워 넣다'라는 뜻이다.
예) I have to go to a cram school every weekend. (나는 주말마다 입시 학원에 다녀야 한다.)
I attended a cram school for a few months before the test. (시험을 보기 전에 몇 달간 입시 학원에 다녔다.)
[Expression of the Day]
I have faith in you.
난 너를 믿어.
A: You look a little bit upset today. What's wrong? Are you okay?
B: I'm just tried from studying so much. The test is less than 2 months away.
A: Don't worry so much. You'll do fine. I have faith in you.
B: Thanks for your support. I'll be glad when this is all over.
A: 오늘 좀 속상해 보이네. 뭐가 문제야? 괜찮니?
B: 그냥 공부를 많이 해서 피곤해요. 시험까지 2달도 안 남았거든요.
A: 너무 걱정하지 마. 잘할 거야. 난 너를 믿어.
B: 응원해 줘서 고마워요. 이 일이 다 끝나 버렸으면 좋겠어요.
1. 본격적으로 일을 하기 전에 그녀에게 가족의 안부를 물었다. (get down to business)
2. 높은 업무 부담에도 불구하고 그는 늘 태도가 긍정적이다. (heavy workload)
3. 요즘은 힘든 시기지만, 곧 끝날 것이다. (trying time)
4. 비행기를 타기 위해 우리는 꼭두새벽에 일어나야만 했다. (crack of dawn)
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2862?category=428847 [困知™]
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