[Easy English] 2020 11. 13. It's good to stay connected.
from 자리찾기 with proofreading.
A. 여보세요? 아르만, 일 좀 많이했어?
B. 피피티는 거의 다 만들었어. 끝나는대로 너한테 보내줄게.
A. 고마워. 계속 연락을 주고 받으니까 좋다.
B. 맞아, 우리가 서로 일을 얼마나 더 했는지 계속 알려주기로 하자.
A. 이렇게 재택 근무하는게 그리워지겠는걸.
A. Hello? Arman, any progress?
B. I'm alomst with the PPT. Let me send it to you as soon as it's ready.
A. Thanks. It's good to stay connected.
B. It sure is. Let's keep each other up to date on our progress.
A. I'm sure we'll miss working from home.
One line speaking
. Keep me up to date on your progess.
Three Line Dialogue
. Can you send me the final report?
. Yes, I'll send it as soon as it's ready. I'm almost done.
Pattern and speaking grammar
. I'm almost done with my homework.
. I'm almost done with the leftovers(남은 음식).
Book in book project
[work out] 운동하다(특히 근력)
. When you work out?
Do you prefer to work out in the morning or in the evening?
. Actually in the morning.
. How many hours do you work out a day?
. During the week I try to work out 2 hours a day.
. 2 hours in a row? Great!!!
입트영(ebs입이트이는영어) 11월 13일 Traditional Korean Markets 한국 전통 시장.
from here and there with proofreading.
Talk about traditional markets in Korea.
In Korea, there is something called "five-day folk markets". Every fifth day, local merchants gather at a traditional market and sell their goods. It's similar to the 'farmers' market' in the U.S. Market days are different for each region, so you need to check beforehand .
Various items are sold at these markets. You can find almost anything, from local specialties, various snacks, to mass-produced products. Being able to haggle over prices is all part of the fun. Somethtimes there are performances, and it's fun to look at the pretty handcrafted items they sell.
Sadly, many people don't know about these five-day markets because shopping for groceries at supermarkets or online has become the norm. However, five-day markets have a long history. They have the unique appeal of combining culture with the marketplace. They are fine tourist attractions as well, so they can also help bring in tourists.
우리나라에는 '민속 5일장'이라는 것이 있다. 5일마다 지역 상인들이 전통 시장에 모여 물건을 판매한다. 미국에 있는 farmers' market과 비슷한 개념이라고 보면 된다. 장이 서는 날이 지역마다 달라서 방문 전에 확인해야 한다.
이러한 장터에서 파는 물건은 매우 다양하다. 지역 특산품과 다양한 간식거리부터 공산품까지 정말 없는게 없을 정도다. 가격을 흥정할 수 있다는 것도 하나의 묘미이다. 가끔 공연도 하고 예쁜 수공예품을 팔기도 해서 구경하는 것만으로도 즐겁다.
아쉽게도 마트나 인터넷으로 장을 보는 게 보편화되어, 이러한 5일장을 모르는 사람이 많다. 그러나 5일장은 역사가 상당히 깊고, 시장과 문화가 하나로 어우러지는 독특한 매력이 있다. 관광 명소로도 손색이 없어서 관광객 유치에도 도움이 될 수 있다.
[Key Expressions]
. five-day folk market 민속 5일장
. every fifth day 5일마다
. local merchant 지역 상인
. farmers' market (미국) 지역 농산물 직거래 장터
. check beforehand 사전에 확인하다
. local specialty 지역 특산물
. mass-produced product 대량 생산 공산품
. haggle over prices 가격을 흥정하다
. all part of the fun 재미있게 해 주는 요소
. handcrafted item 수제 공예품
. shop for groceries 장을 보다
. have become the norm 보편적 대세로 자리잡다
. have a long history 긴 역사를 가지고 있다
. unique appeal 독톡한 매력
. tourist attraction 관광지, 관광 명소
. bring in tourists 관광객을 유치하다
[pattern practices]
check beforehand
-. It was fortunate that you checked beforehand.
haggle over prices
-. My mom is an expert at haggling over prices.
-. I'm terrible at haggling over prices.
bring in tourist
-. The new park brought in many tourist especially on weekends.
-. K-POP has brought in tourist to Korea from all over the world.
[Dialogue Practice]
A. Wow! That fan is really pretty. Where did you score(어렵게 구하다) that?
B. I got it at neighborhood 5 day market.
A. Oh, really? Do you go there often?
B. I sometimes go in the market opens. It feels great when I go there.
A. Yeah, I know all about the lively atmosphere at a market.
B. It feels lived-in and friendly. And I love the mouthwatering street food.
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