[Easy English] 2020 11. 5. I knew it.
From 자리찾기.
A. 제임스도 집들이에 온대?
와인을 가지고 온다고 했거든.
B. 아니 못 온대.
A. 아...내가 그럴 줄 알았어. 놀랍지도 않다머.
그 애는 맨날 막판에 그렇게 마음을 바꾸더라.
B. 너무 미워하지마. 중대한 수술을 했다고 하더라고.
A. Is James coming to the party too?
He said he would bring some wine.
B. No, he told me he can't make it.
A. I knew it. It's not surprising(=That doesn't surprise me).
He always changes his mind at the last minute.
B. Take it easy on him. He said he had a serious surgery.
One line speaking
-. I won't be able to make it.
Three Line Dialogue
-. I decided not to go to the party.
-. You said you wanted to go yesterday.
-. I did but I changed my mind last minute.
Pattern and speaking grammar
-. He said he would come by today/be late.
Book in book project
[break up/off] 관계/약정을 깨다
-. We broke up. 우리 헤어졌어.
-. They broke off the engagement.
[입이 트이는 영어] 2020. 11. 5. Leadership Experience / 리더십 경험.
From here and there.
Talk about leadership experience
People can build leadership skills through various activities in school. They can become class president in middle school and high school. In college they could assume(맡다) leadership roll as a student representative for their department or student council president(총학생회장). Man can also gain leadership experience during their military service.
Personally during my military service I led troops in my squad(분대). After returning the college I was elected as the student body president(총학생회장) and led the student council(학생회). It gave me a big sense of accomplishment(큰 성취감) because I was a mentor to hundreds of incoming freshman. I learned how to operate a small group by planning and operating various festivals.
These leadership experiences gave me the skills to bring together ideas from various people in a harmonious way(조화롭게). I learned that being considerate of others and respecting people are the too most important factors in leadership.
사람들은 학교에서 다양한 활동들을 통해 리더십 능력을 키울 수 있다. 중고등학교 때는 학급 반장이 될 수 있다. 대학교 때는 과대표나 학생회장으로서 리더 역할을 할 수 있다. 남자들은 또한 군 복무를 하면서 리더십 경험을 쌓을 수 있다.
개인적으로 나는 군 생활을 하며 분대원들을 통솔하는 경험을 했다. 그리고 대학교 복학 후에는 학생회장에 당선되어 학생회를 이끌었다. 몇백 명의 신입생들에게 멘토가 되었기 때문에 정말 큰 보람을 느꼈다. 또한 다양한 축제를 기획하고 운영하면서 하나의 작은 단체를 운영하는 법을 배웠다.
이러한 리더십 경험들은 다양한 사람들의 의견을 조화롭게 어우러지게 하는 능력을 길러 주었다. 나는 남을 배려하고 존중하는 것이 리더십에서 가장 중요한 두 가지 요인이라는 점을 알게 되었다.
[Key Expressions]
. build leadership skills 리더십 능력을 키우다
. class president 반장
. assume a leadership role 리더 역할을 맡다
. student representative 학생 대표
. student council president /
.student body president 학생회장
. gain leadership experience 리더십 경험을 쌓다
. during one's military service 군 복무 중에
. squad 분대
. be elected as ~으로 당선되다
. sense of accomplishment 보람, 성취감
. incoming freshman 신입생
. bring together ideas 의견을 모으다
. in a harmonious way 조화롭게
. be considerate of others 남을 배려하다
[Pattern Practices]
assume ~ 역할을 맡다
-. I'm usually shy to assume a leadership role.
sense of accomplishment 성취감
-. I always feel a sense of accomplishment after doing volunteer work.
-. We felt a sense of accomplishment after passing the test.
harmonious 조화롭게
-. Everyone has to cooperate in a harmonious way for us to succeed.
[Dialogue Practice]
A. Did you do any student council activity when you were in school?
B. Me? I was the class leader a few times in middle school and high school.
A. Really? I was the student representative for my department in college.
B. I think that kind of leadership experience as a student is helpful in real life.
A. That's right. You learn to take responsibility by leading your group.
B. Plus you learn to be considerate of others and to be respectful.
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