[Easy English] 2018. 10. 25. Do you think our friends will like it?
A. 끝내주네. 진짜 선택을 잘한거 같아.
B. 진짜? 친구들이 좋아할거 같아?
A. 당연하지. 이렇게 진짜같은 외계인 분장은 처음봤어.
B. 잘됐다. 분장을 마무리해야겠어.
A. 니가 준비하는 동안 나는 좀비분장을 마무리할게.
B. 분장을 더 하려구? 이미 징그러워.
A. 고마워...그거 칭찬이야?
A. That looks incredible. I think you made it great choice.
B. Are you sure? Do you think our friends will like it?
A. Absolutely. I've never seen an alien costume look so realistic.
B. Greats! I'm going to put the finishing touches on my make-up.
A. While you get ready, I'm going to finish up my zombie make-up.
B. You are going to add more make-up? You are already look disgusting.
A. Thank you. Was that a compliment?
Complete sentences
* I'm going to put the finishing touches on my make-up
* While you get ready, I'm going to finish up my zombie make-up.
Pattern in sentences
-. While you take a shower/call mom,
I'm going to look for places to eat/send a message to dad.
-. But I already thought he looked disgusting.
Useful sentences
너무 많은데...
-> That's more than enough.
입트영(2018.10.25) - Getting Gas at Gas Stations / 주유소에서 주유하기
Talk about when you get gas at a gas station.
주유소에서 주유하는 과정에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
[Model Response]
I usually gas up my car about once a week. I usually fill the tank when I get gas, so I rarely worry about the fuel level. However, sometimes getting gas slips my mind when I'm busy. When this happens, the fuel warning light comes on. It's easy to lose one's composure when there is no gas station nearby. In such cases, I turn on the navigation app on my phone and find the nearest gas station. Most gas stations have clearly legible signs near the entrance so you can see the fuel prices. I compare the prices and try to go wherever they are cheapest. Most gas stations are also equipped with a drive-through car wash. When my car is dirty, I wash it after getting gas. When you drive into the machine, it automatically cleans the car until it's as good as new.
나는 주로 일주일에 한 번 정도 주유를 한다. 주유를 할 때 보통 기름을 가득 넣기 때문에, 기름 잔량에 거의 신경을 쓰지 않는다. 그러나 바빠서 깜빡 잊고 주유를 못할 때도 있다. 이러한 경우 주유 경고등이 뜬다. 주변 어디를 봐도 주유소가 없을 때 당황하게 된다. 그럴 때는 핸드폰에 내비게이션 앱을 켜서 가장 가까운 주유소를 찾는다. 대부분의 주유소는 휘발유나 경유의 가격을 입구 쪽에 잘 보이게 표시해 둔다. 각 주유소의 가격을 비교해서 되도록이면 가장 싼 곳에서 주유를 하려고 한다. 대부분의 주유소에는 자동 세차기도 있다. 차가 더러울 때는 주유를 한 후에 세차를 한다. 기계 안으로 차를 진입시키면 자동으로 새것처럼 깨끗하게 세차해 준다.
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. Do you prefer self-service or full-service gas station? Explain your preference.
2. Have you ever run out of fuel in your car? Describe your experience.
3. What are some ways that you can save money on fuel?
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
gas up a car 차에 주유하다
fill the tank 연료를 가득 채우다
get gas 주유하다
fuel level 연료 잔량
slip someone's mind 깜빡 잊혀지다
fuel warning light 연료 경고등
lose one's composure 평정심을 잃다
gas station 주유소
navigation app 내비게이션 앱
clearly legible 가독성이 높은
fuel price 연료비
be equipped with ~을 구비하다
drive-through car wash 자동 세차기
as good as new 새것처럼 멀쩡한
[Pattern Practice]
1. gas up a car 차에 주유하다
■ I usually gas up my car about once a week.
■ I gassed up my car on my way home from work.
■ I always gas up the car before driving a long distance.
2. slip someone's mind 깜빡 잊혀지다
■ Sometimes getting gas slips my mind when I'm busy.
■ I was going to buy you a gift, but it slipped my mind.
■ If it slips your mind, you can do it next time.
3. lose one's composure 평정심을 잃다
■ It's easy to lose one's composure when there is no gas station nearby.
■ She never loses her composure, even in stressful situations.
■ I tried to be patient, but I lost my composure.
4. drive-through car wash 자동 세차기
■ Most gas stations also have a drive-through car wash.
■ The drive-through car wash is cheaper for users who buy fuel.
■ I don't use drive-through car washes because they damage the paint.
5. as good as new 새것처럼 멀쩡한
■ The machine automatically cleans the car until it's as good as new.
■ They fixed my phone so well that it is as good as new.
■ Lots of items at the vintage shop were as good as new.
[Speaking Tips]
get gas
주유를 하다
휘발유를 gas라고 부르는 것은 거의 북미권 뿐이다. 이는 gasoline을 줄인 말이다. 대부분의 다른 영어권 국가에서는 petrol, fuel 등의 단어를 사용하기 때문에 혼동하지 않도록 하자. 문맥에 따라 get gas는 '(소화 불량으로 인해)속에 가스가 차다'라는 의미가 될 수도 있다.
예) We stopped at a rest area to get gas. (우리는 주유를 하기 위해 휴게소에 들렀다.)
I always get gas when I drink milk. (나는 우유를 마시면 항상 가스가 찬다.)
[Expression of the Day]
That was close.
큰일 날 뻔했다.
A: Do you see a gas station? It's late and we're almost out of gas.
B: I see one over there. The lights are on, so I think they are still open.
A: Thank goodness. That was close. I was afraid the car would stop running.
B: Next time, be sure to fill the tank before you drive a long distance.
A: 주유소 보이니? 시간도 늦었는데 휘발유가 거의 다 떨어졌어.
B: 저기 한 곳 보인다. 불이 켜진 걸로 봐서 아직 영업 중인가 봐.
A: 다행이다. 큰일 날 뻔했네. 차가 시동이 꺼지는 줄 알았어.
B: 다음부터는 장거리 운전을 하기 전에 반드시 연료를 가득 채우도록 해.
1. 중고차지만 새것처럼 멀쩡해. (as good as new)
2. 자동 세차기에 차들이 길게 줄을 서 있었다. (drive-through car wash)
3. 부모님께 전화를 드렸어야 했는데 깜빡 잊어버렸다. (slip someone's mind)
4. 평정심을 잃으면 설득력이 떨어질 거야. (lose one's composure)
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2904?category=428847 [困知™]
스크립트 듣기
A. 끝내주네. 진짜 선택을 잘한거 같아.
B. 진짜? 친구들이 좋아할거 같아?
A. 당연하지. 이렇게 진짜같은 외계인 분장은 처음봤어.
B. 잘됐다. 분장을 마무리해야겠어.
A. 니가 준비하는 동안 나는 좀비분장을 마무리할게.
B. 분장을 더 하려구? 이미 징그러워.
A. 고마워...그거 칭찬이야?
A. That looks incredible. I think you made it great choice.
B. Are you sure? Do you think our friends will like it?
A. Absolutely. I've never seen an alien costume look so realistic.
B. Greats! I'm going to put the finishing touches on my make-up.
A. While you get ready, I'm going to finish up my zombie make-up.
B. You are going to add more make-up? You are already look disgusting.
A. Thank you. Was that a compliment?
Complete sentences
* I'm going to put the finishing touches on my make-up
* While you get ready, I'm going to finish up my zombie make-up.
Pattern in sentences
-. While you take a shower/call mom,
I'm going to look for places to eat/send a message to dad.
-. But I already thought he looked disgusting.
Useful sentences
너무 많은데...
-> That's more than enough.
입트영(2018.10.25) - Getting Gas at Gas Stations / 주유소에서 주유하기
Talk about when you get gas at a gas station.
주유소에서 주유하는 과정에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
[Model Response]
I usually gas up my car about once a week. I usually fill the tank when I get gas, so I rarely worry about the fuel level. However, sometimes getting gas slips my mind when I'm busy. When this happens, the fuel warning light comes on. It's easy to lose one's composure when there is no gas station nearby. In such cases, I turn on the navigation app on my phone and find the nearest gas station. Most gas stations have clearly legible signs near the entrance so you can see the fuel prices. I compare the prices and try to go wherever they are cheapest. Most gas stations are also equipped with a drive-through car wash. When my car is dirty, I wash it after getting gas. When you drive into the machine, it automatically cleans the car until it's as good as new.
나는 주로 일주일에 한 번 정도 주유를 한다. 주유를 할 때 보통 기름을 가득 넣기 때문에, 기름 잔량에 거의 신경을 쓰지 않는다. 그러나 바빠서 깜빡 잊고 주유를 못할 때도 있다. 이러한 경우 주유 경고등이 뜬다. 주변 어디를 봐도 주유소가 없을 때 당황하게 된다. 그럴 때는 핸드폰에 내비게이션 앱을 켜서 가장 가까운 주유소를 찾는다. 대부분의 주유소는 휘발유나 경유의 가격을 입구 쪽에 잘 보이게 표시해 둔다. 각 주유소의 가격을 비교해서 되도록이면 가장 싼 곳에서 주유를 하려고 한다. 대부분의 주유소에는 자동 세차기도 있다. 차가 더러울 때는 주유를 한 후에 세차를 한다. 기계 안으로 차를 진입시키면 자동으로 새것처럼 깨끗하게 세차해 준다.
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. Do you prefer self-service or full-service gas station? Explain your preference.
2. Have you ever run out of fuel in your car? Describe your experience.
3. What are some ways that you can save money on fuel?
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
gas up a car 차에 주유하다
fill the tank 연료를 가득 채우다
get gas 주유하다
fuel level 연료 잔량
slip someone's mind 깜빡 잊혀지다
fuel warning light 연료 경고등
lose one's composure 평정심을 잃다
gas station 주유소
navigation app 내비게이션 앱
clearly legible 가독성이 높은
fuel price 연료비
be equipped with ~을 구비하다
drive-through car wash 자동 세차기
as good as new 새것처럼 멀쩡한
[Pattern Practice]
1. gas up a car 차에 주유하다
■ I usually gas up my car about once a week.
■ I gassed up my car on my way home from work.
■ I always gas up the car before driving a long distance.
2. slip someone's mind 깜빡 잊혀지다
■ Sometimes getting gas slips my mind when I'm busy.
■ I was going to buy you a gift, but it slipped my mind.
■ If it slips your mind, you can do it next time.
3. lose one's composure 평정심을 잃다
■ It's easy to lose one's composure when there is no gas station nearby.
■ She never loses her composure, even in stressful situations.
■ I tried to be patient, but I lost my composure.
4. drive-through car wash 자동 세차기
■ Most gas stations also have a drive-through car wash.
■ The drive-through car wash is cheaper for users who buy fuel.
■ I don't use drive-through car washes because they damage the paint.
5. as good as new 새것처럼 멀쩡한
■ The machine automatically cleans the car until it's as good as new.
■ They fixed my phone so well that it is as good as new.
■ Lots of items at the vintage shop were as good as new.
[Speaking Tips]
get gas
주유를 하다
휘발유를 gas라고 부르는 것은 거의 북미권 뿐이다. 이는 gasoline을 줄인 말이다. 대부분의 다른 영어권 국가에서는 petrol, fuel 등의 단어를 사용하기 때문에 혼동하지 않도록 하자. 문맥에 따라 get gas는 '(소화 불량으로 인해)속에 가스가 차다'라는 의미가 될 수도 있다.
예) We stopped at a rest area to get gas. (우리는 주유를 하기 위해 휴게소에 들렀다.)
I always get gas when I drink milk. (나는 우유를 마시면 항상 가스가 찬다.)
[Expression of the Day]
That was close.
큰일 날 뻔했다.
A: Do you see a gas station? It's late and we're almost out of gas.
B: I see one over there. The lights are on, so I think they are still open.
A: Thank goodness. That was close. I was afraid the car would stop running.
B: Next time, be sure to fill the tank before you drive a long distance.
A: 주유소 보이니? 시간도 늦었는데 휘발유가 거의 다 떨어졌어.
B: 저기 한 곳 보인다. 불이 켜진 걸로 봐서 아직 영업 중인가 봐.
A: 다행이다. 큰일 날 뻔했네. 차가 시동이 꺼지는 줄 알았어.
B: 다음부터는 장거리 운전을 하기 전에 반드시 연료를 가득 채우도록 해.
1. 중고차지만 새것처럼 멀쩡해. (as good as new)
2. 자동 세차기에 차들이 길게 줄을 서 있었다. (drive-through car wash)
3. 부모님께 전화를 드렸어야 했는데 깜빡 잊어버렸다. (slip someone's mind)
4. 평정심을 잃으면 설득력이 떨어질 거야. (lose one's composure)
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2904?category=428847 [困知™]
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