2018년 10월 5일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio show(이지잉글리쉬, 입트영)
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2018년 10월 5일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio show(이지잉글리쉬, 입트영)

[Easy English] 2018. 10. 5. I’m glad you enjoyed the dinner.

A. 저녁 맛있게 먹었다니 기뻐.
B. 응, 고마워. 나랑 커피 마실래? 니가 저녁을 샀으니까 커피는 내가 살게.
A. 실은 내가 내일 출근하기 전에 집에서 해야할 일이 아직 좀 남아서.
B. 근데, 내일 토요일이잖아. 아직 초저녁인데. 우리 조금만 더 놀자.
A. 난 내일 일해야되.
B. 그럼, 내일 저녁 먹자.
A. 내일 어려울거 같아.

A. I'm glad you enjoyed the dinner.
B. Yeah, thanks. Would you like to get some coffee with me? 
    Since you paid for dinner, I'll buy coffee.
A. Actaully I still have some work to do at home before I go to work tomorrow.
B. But tomorrow is Saturday. The night is young. Let's hang out a little longer.
A. I have to work tomorrow.
B. Then let's have dinner tomorrow night.
A. Tomorrow might be difficult.

Complete sentences 
* would you like to...?
* I still have...

Pattern in sentences 
-. I'm glad you invited me to dinner/asked me out.
-. I still have some chores/food to finish/eat.
-. I had some work to do so I couldn't.

Useful sentences  
그 두사람 잘 안되겠죠....
-> This isn't working out.

트영 스크립트 (2018.10.5) Cramming / 벼락치기

벼락치기 공부에 대해 이야기해 주세요.

누구나 대부분 시험공부를 하며 벼락치기를 해 보았을 것이다. 나도 학교 다닐 때, 시험 때마다 벼락치기를 했던 기억이 난다. 중간고사, 기말고사 기간에는 항상 밤새 잠을 안 자고 공부를 했었다. 돌아서 한꺼번에 공부를 하다 보니, 몸도 피곤하고 심적으로도 불안했다. 공부를 평소에 꾸준히 했으면 좋았을 텐데, 그게 말처럼 쉽지 않았다. 이렇게 벼락치기를 하면, 시험이 끝난 후 공부한 것들이 머릿속에서 지워져 버렸다. 학교를 졸업하고도 종종 벼락치기해야 하는 경우가 있었다. 진로를 위해서 봐야 했던 시험들도 불과 며칠 전부터 몰아서 공부했다. 업무적으로 해야 하는 일들도 자꾸 뒤로 미루다가, 마감을 얼마 남겨 놓지 않고 몰아서 하게 되는 경우도 있었다. 이렇게 벼락치기를 하지 않기 위해서는 평소에 꾸준히 하고 계획성 있게 생활해야겠다.

Talk about cramming.

Almost everyone has crammed for a test. I remember cramming before each test when I went to school. For mid-term and final exams, I always pulled all-nighters to study. Studying all at once made me feel spent and on edge. It would have been better to study more steadily, but it was easier said than done. Whenever I crammed that way, the things I studied were wiped from my memory after the test. Even after graduating, I had to cram on occasion. I scrambled to study for tests I needed for my career just days in advance. Sometimes I kept putting off things on my to-do list at work, and I had to do everything in a rush just before the deadline. I know that to aoid cramming, I need to take it steady at all times and live my life according to plan.

[Extra Topics for Study Groups]

1. Do you usually study at all times, or cram before tests?
2. What are some effective ways to study?
3. Did you cram more as a student, or as an adult? Explain why.

출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2883?category=428847 [困知™]

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

mid-term exam/final exam  중간고사/기말고사
pull an all-nighter  밤을 새다
feel spent  지치다
on edge  불안한
be easier said than done  말처럼 쉽지 않다
be wiped from someone's memory  잊혀지다
on occasion  때때로
scramble to  ~하려고 서두르다
pull off  미루다
to-do list  해야 할 일(의 목록)
in a rush  급하게
take it steady  꾸준히 하다
according to plan  계획대로

[Pattern Practice]

1. pull an all-nighter  밤을 새다

I always pulled all-nighters to study.
I was too tired to pull an all-nighter.
We pulled an all-nighter, but we couldn't finish on time.

2. be easier said than done  말처럼 쉽지 않다

Studying steadily was easier said than done.
I try to exercise every day, but it's easier said than done.
Walking up early on the weekend is easier said than done.

3. be wiped from someone's memory  잊혀지다

The things I studied were wiped from my memory after the test.
My ex-girlfriend was wiped from my memory when I met my wife.
It was so embarrassing that I wished it could be wiped from my memory.

4. scramble to  ~하려고 서두르다

I scrambled to study for tests.
I had to scramble to catch the bus this morning.
People scrambled to get the new phone.

5. according to plan  계획대로

I need to live my life according to plan.
Despite some mistakes, the project is proceeding according to plan.
Things almost never go according to plan.

[Speaking Tips]

mid-term exam / final exam
중간고사 / 기말고사

굳이 exam이나 test라는 단어를 붙이지 않아도 문맥상 의미가 분명하다면 mid-term이나 final이라고 말해도 된다. 단, mid-term은 '중간 선거'를, final은 '결승전' 을 뜻할 수도 있기 때문에 혼동이 발생할 수 있는 상황이라면 구체적으로 명시하는 것이 좋다.

I can't go out because I have to study for my mid-terms.
The two players eventually met in the finals.

[Expression of the Day]

I've learned my lesson.
교훈을 얻었어.

A: Do you want to go see a movie tonight? I'll buy the tickets.
B: I can't. I have to study for my mid-terms.
A: Already? But you usually cram before your tests. There's plenty of time.
B: Not anymore. I've learned my lesson. I'm going to start early.

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