[Easy English] 2018. 10. 4. Do you have a favorite artist?
A. 나는 록 음악 듣는걸 좋아하는데 가끔은 클래식도 즐겨들어. 지훈씨는?
B. 나는 모든 종류의 음악을 다 좋아해.
A. 좋아하는 아티스트 있어?
B. 특별히 없어. 나는 많은 가수들을 좋아해.
A. 그렇구나. 스포츠는 좋아해?
B. 아니, 나는 운동을 싫어해. 운동을 즐기는 사람들은 정신이 나간거 같아, 그렇지 않아?
A. 난 사실 테니스를 아주 좋아하는데.
A. I like listening to rock music but sumetimes I enjoy classical music as well.
How about you?
B. I like all types of music.
A. Do you have a favorite artist?
B. Not really. I like a lot of singers.
A. I see. Do you enjoy sports?
B. Noway. I hate exercise.
I think people who enjoy exercing are out of their mind, don't you?
A. I actually really enjoy tennis.
Complete sentences
* I like listening to rock music...
* I think...
Pattern in sentences
-. Do you have a favorite shoe brand/food during the fall season?
-. I think people who go sky diving/love studying out of mind, don't you?
-. Jihoon said he likes all types of music.
Useful sentences
예를 들면....
-> such as...such as what....
입트영 스크립트 (2018.10.4) Aging Society / 고령화 사회
Aging Society 고령화 사회
고령화 사회에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
우리나라는 매우 빠른 속도로 인구 고령화가 진행 중이다. 평균 수명이 세계에서 가장 빠른 속도로 늘어나고 있다. 머지않아 초고령 사회가 된다. 인구가 고령화되면서 여러 가지 문제에 대비해야 한다. 특히, 우리나라는 출산율이 워낙 낮아서 대비책을 매우 철저하게 세워야 한다. 국민연금의 경우, 연금을 내는 사람들의 숫자는 줄어들고, 받는 사람들은 늘어나고 있어서 장기적인 운용 계획이 필요하다. 다각적인 노인 복지 정책들도 필요하다. 이러한 복지 정책들에 대한 지원 부족이 큰 사회적인 문제로 대두되고 있다. 앞으로 노인 복지에 할당하는 예산도 늘어나야 하고, 노인들을 더 잘 돌보기 위한 사회적 공감대도 요구된다.
Talk about the aging society.
Korea's population is aging at a rapid clip. The life expectancy is increasing at the highest rate in the world. Sooner than later, we will be a super-aged society. As the population ages, we need to hedge against various issues. The birth rate is so low in Korea that we need to make provisions very carefully. Long-term management plans are needed for the national pension system, since fewer people are paying while more are receiving. Various welfare policies for the elderly are also needed. The lack of support for such welfare policies is emergeing as a major social problem. The budge allocated to welfare for senior citizens will have to be hiked up. A social consensus is also needed to better take care of the elderly.
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. Describe the experience of having your first crush.
2. When you have a crush on someone, do you tell them? Why or why not?
3. What would you do if the person you like prefers someone else?
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2881?category=428847 [困知™]
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
at a rapid clip 빠른 속도로
life expectancy 기대 수명, 평균 수명
sooner than later 머지않아
super-aged society 초고령 사회
hedge against ~에 대비하다
birth rate 출산율
make provisions 미리 준비하다
long-term management plans 장기 운용 계획
national pension system 국민연금 제도
welfare policies for the elderly 노인 복지 정책
emerge as ~으로 대두되다
major social problem 큰 사회적 문제
budget allocated to ~에 할당된 예산
senior citizen 노인
hike up 늘리다
social consensus 사회적인 공감대
[Pattern Practice]
1. at a rapid clip 빠른 속도로
Korea's population is aging at a rapid clip.
We need to move at a rapid clip to get there on time.
It was hard to understand him because he spoke at a rapid clip.
2. hedge against ~에 대비하다
As the population ages, we need to hedge against various issues.
We have a separate bank account to hedge against emergencies.
She always hedges against every possibility.
3. major social problem 큰 사회적 문제
The lack of support for welfare policies is amajor social problem.
Candidates debated major social problems before the elections.
Pollution is a major social problem in that city.
4. budget allocated to ~에 할당된 예산
The budget allocated to welfare policies will have to be increased.
I has already spent my budget allocated to shopping.
The budget allocated to the military is very large.
5. hike up 늘리다
We need to hike up the amount we spend on welfare.
The restaurant recently hiked up prices.
The best way to hike up your score is to practice more.
[Speaking Tips]
sooner than later
이 표현은 sooner or later라는 표현과 매우 유사하지만 의미가 다르기 때문에 혼동하지 않도록 유의해야 한다. sooner than later는 '조만간', 혹은 '머지않아'를 뜻하는 반면, sooner or later은 '언젠가는'이라는 뜻이다.
She will arrive sooner than later.
Most companies fail sooner or later.
[Expression of the Day]
You need to look at the big picture.
큰 그림을 봐야지.
A: Why do I need to pay so much for the national pension service?
B: It's not that much. You need to look at the big picture.
A: What do you mean? I pay all this money every month for nothing.
B: But you will need to receive that money when you get older.
스크립트 듣기
A. 나는 록 음악 듣는걸 좋아하는데 가끔은 클래식도 즐겨들어. 지훈씨는?
B. 나는 모든 종류의 음악을 다 좋아해.
A. 좋아하는 아티스트 있어?
B. 특별히 없어. 나는 많은 가수들을 좋아해.
A. 그렇구나. 스포츠는 좋아해?
B. 아니, 나는 운동을 싫어해. 운동을 즐기는 사람들은 정신이 나간거 같아, 그렇지 않아?
A. 난 사실 테니스를 아주 좋아하는데.
A. I like listening to rock music but sumetimes I enjoy classical music as well.
How about you?
B. I like all types of music.
A. Do you have a favorite artist?
B. Not really. I like a lot of singers.
A. I see. Do you enjoy sports?
B. Noway. I hate exercise.
I think people who enjoy exercing are out of their mind, don't you?
A. I actually really enjoy tennis.
Complete sentences
* I like listening to rock music...
* I think...
Pattern in sentences
-. Do you have a favorite shoe brand/food during the fall season?
-. I think people who go sky diving/love studying out of mind, don't you?
-. Jihoon said he likes all types of music.
Useful sentences
예를 들면....
-> such as...such as what....
입트영 스크립트 (2018.10.4) Aging Society / 고령화 사회
Aging Society 고령화 사회
고령화 사회에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
우리나라는 매우 빠른 속도로 인구 고령화가 진행 중이다. 평균 수명이 세계에서 가장 빠른 속도로 늘어나고 있다. 머지않아 초고령 사회가 된다. 인구가 고령화되면서 여러 가지 문제에 대비해야 한다. 특히, 우리나라는 출산율이 워낙 낮아서 대비책을 매우 철저하게 세워야 한다. 국민연금의 경우, 연금을 내는 사람들의 숫자는 줄어들고, 받는 사람들은 늘어나고 있어서 장기적인 운용 계획이 필요하다. 다각적인 노인 복지 정책들도 필요하다. 이러한 복지 정책들에 대한 지원 부족이 큰 사회적인 문제로 대두되고 있다. 앞으로 노인 복지에 할당하는 예산도 늘어나야 하고, 노인들을 더 잘 돌보기 위한 사회적 공감대도 요구된다.
Talk about the aging society.
Korea's population is aging at a rapid clip. The life expectancy is increasing at the highest rate in the world. Sooner than later, we will be a super-aged society. As the population ages, we need to hedge against various issues. The birth rate is so low in Korea that we need to make provisions very carefully. Long-term management plans are needed for the national pension system, since fewer people are paying while more are receiving. Various welfare policies for the elderly are also needed. The lack of support for such welfare policies is emergeing as a major social problem. The budge allocated to welfare for senior citizens will have to be hiked up. A social consensus is also needed to better take care of the elderly.
[Extra Topics for Study Groups]
1. Describe the experience of having your first crush.
2. When you have a crush on someone, do you tell them? Why or why not?
3. What would you do if the person you like prefers someone else?
출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2881?category=428847 [困知™]
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
at a rapid clip 빠른 속도로
life expectancy 기대 수명, 평균 수명
sooner than later 머지않아
super-aged society 초고령 사회
hedge against ~에 대비하다
birth rate 출산율
make provisions 미리 준비하다
long-term management plans 장기 운용 계획
national pension system 국민연금 제도
welfare policies for the elderly 노인 복지 정책
emerge as ~으로 대두되다
major social problem 큰 사회적 문제
budget allocated to ~에 할당된 예산
senior citizen 노인
hike up 늘리다
social consensus 사회적인 공감대
[Pattern Practice]
1. at a rapid clip 빠른 속도로
Korea's population is aging at a rapid clip.
We need to move at a rapid clip to get there on time.
It was hard to understand him because he spoke at a rapid clip.
2. hedge against ~에 대비하다
As the population ages, we need to hedge against various issues.
We have a separate bank account to hedge against emergencies.
She always hedges against every possibility.
3. major social problem 큰 사회적 문제
The lack of support for welfare policies is amajor social problem.
Candidates debated major social problems before the elections.
Pollution is a major social problem in that city.
4. budget allocated to ~에 할당된 예산
The budget allocated to welfare policies will have to be increased.
I has already spent my budget allocated to shopping.
The budget allocated to the military is very large.
5. hike up 늘리다
We need to hike up the amount we spend on welfare.
The restaurant recently hiked up prices.
The best way to hike up your score is to practice more.
[Speaking Tips]
sooner than later
이 표현은 sooner or later라는 표현과 매우 유사하지만 의미가 다르기 때문에 혼동하지 않도록 유의해야 한다. sooner than later는 '조만간', 혹은 '머지않아'를 뜻하는 반면, sooner or later은 '언젠가는'이라는 뜻이다.
She will arrive sooner than later.
Most companies fail sooner or later.
[Expression of the Day]
You need to look at the big picture.
큰 그림을 봐야지.
A: Why do I need to pay so much for the national pension service?
B: It's not that much. You need to look at the big picture.
A: What do you mean? I pay all this money every month for nothing.
B: But you will need to receive that money when you get older.
스크립트 듣기
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