2017년 9월 19일 내가 좋아하는 EBS 라디오쇼(EasyEnglish, 입트영)
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2017년 9월 19일 내가 좋아하는 EBS 라디오쇼(EasyEnglish, 입트영)


[출처] [Easy English] 2017. 9. 19. 공항에서 시내로 가는 버스에 대해 묻는 이지|작성자 자리찾기

A. 시내로 가는 버스는 어디서 타나요?

B. 중앙역이요? 저기서 셔틀 버스를 타시면 됩니다.

A. 감사합니다. 버스표는 얼마인가요?

B. 편도는 6.8유로이고 왕복은 12.2유로에요.

A. 그렇군요. 표는 버스에서 사면 되나요?

B. 그럼요. 버스 기사한테 사시면됩니다.

A. 감사합니다.

A. Where can I take a but to get downtown?

B. To central station? You can take the shuttle bus over there.

A. Thank you. How much is a ticket?

B. One way tickets are 6.8 Euros and round trip tickets are 12.2Euros

A. I see. Can I buy the ticket on the bus?

B. Sure. You can get one from the bus driver.

A. Thanks. 


* Where can I take a bus to get...

* You can take the....over there.

* You can get one from the..


Various Expressions

-. Where can I take a but to get downtown?

    ​-> Where can I take a bus downtown?

-. You can get one from the bus driver.

    -> ​From the driver/The drvier sells ticket.


입트영(2017.09.19) - Problems with Food / 음식 때문에 겪은 문제

Posted at 2017.09.19 07:00 | Posted in Study/English

Talk about the problems you had with food.

음식 때문에 겪은 문제에 대해 이야기해 주세요.


[Model Response]

I remember when I ate too much spicy food recently. I had heartburn and it was pretty bad. I had to drink a lot of water. That evening, I went to the bathroom over and over again because I had to runs. I regretted eating so much spicy food. I also remember a time when I ate chicken that was undercooked. A few hours later, my stomach was upset and I felt like throwing up. I went to the pharmacy and I got some medicine. I took the medicine to get better. I had to only eat rice porridge the next day. Since then, I try to be more careful when I'm eating something.



최근에 매운 음식을 너무 많이 먹었던 기억이 난다. 속이 쓰리고, 상태가 많이 안 좋았다. 물을 많이 마셔야 했다. 그날 저녁에 설사 증세가 있어서 화장실에 자꾸 가야 했다. 매운 음식을 너무 많이 먹은 것을 후회했다. 한번은 덜 익힌 닭고기를 먹었던 기억이 난다. 몇 시간 후에 속에 탈이 났고, 토할 것 같았다. 약국에 가서 약을 샀다. 증세를 완화하기 위해 약을 복용했다. 그 다음 날에는 죽만 먹어야 했다. 그 이후로, 음식을 먹을 때 더 조심하려고 노력한다.


[Extra Topics for Study Groups]

1. When was the last time you had food poisoning?
2. What do you do when you have a stomachache?
3. Talk about when one of your family members got sick because of food.


[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

eat too much spicy food 매운 음식을 너무 많이 먹다
have heartburn 속이 쓰리다
over and over again 반복해서
have the runs 설사 증세가 있다
undercooked 덜 익힌
upset 탈이 난, 뒤집힌
feel like throwing up 속이 울렁거리다, 토할 것 같다
pharmacy 약국
get some medicine 약을 사다
take the medicine 약을 복용하다
get better 낫다, 좋아지다
rice porridge 죽


[Pattern Practice]

1. have heartburn 속이 쓰리다
■ I had heartburn and it was pretty bad.
■ It was very uppleasant because I had heartburn.
■ You could have heartburn if you eat too much spicy food.


2. have the runs 설사 증세가 있다
■ I went to the bathroom over and over again because I had the runs.
■ I've had the runs all day.
■ Take some medicine if you have the runs.


3. feel like throwing up 속이 울렁거리다, 토할 것 같다
■ My stomach was upset and I felt like throwing up.
■ Do you feel like throwing up?
■ I feel like throwing up when I get carsick.


4. get better 낫다, 좋아지다
■ I took the medicine to get better.
■ I hope you get better soon.
■ Are your symptoms getting any better?


5. rice porridge 죽
■ I had to only eat rice porridge the next day.
■ My mom made me some rice porridge.
■ There are chains that specialize in rice porridge.


[Speaking Tips]

undercooked vs. overcooked
덜 익힌 vs. 너무 익힌 

음식의 조리 상태를 표현하는 단어 중에 undercooked는 '덜 익힌' 상태르르 말하고, overcooked는 '너무 많이 익힌' 상태를 말한다.


예) I think the meat is undercooked. (고기가 덜 익은 것 같아.)
Do you think the stew is overcooked? (찌개를 너무 끓인 것 같니?)


[Expression of the Day]

I threw up several times.
나 몇 번 토했어.


A: I had terrible indigestion.
B: Oh, no! Are you okay?
A: Not really. I threw up several times.
B: You should go see a doctor.


A: 나 심하게 체했어.
B: 아이고! 괜찮아?
A: 아니. 몇 번 토했어.
B: 병원에 가 보지 그러니.



1. 속이 쓰릴 수도 있어요. (have heartburn)
2. 나 아침에 설사를 했어. (have the runs)
3. 나는 술을 너무 많이 마셔서 토할 것 같았다. (feel like throwing up)
4. 내일은 조금 낫기를 기대해 보자. (get better)


출처: http://gonzi.tistory.com/2360 [困知™] 


