2020년 11월 19일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio shows (이지잉글리쉬, 입트영)
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2020년 11월 19일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio shows (이지잉글리쉬, 입트영)


[Easy English] 2020 11. 19. I miss all those little things.
from 자리찾기.

​​A. 생각해보니까 여기서 많은 사람들이 나를 도와줬네.
B. 무슨 일이 있었는데?
A. 여기 처음 갔을 때 길을 잃었는데 아이들 여러명이 나한테와서는 호텔에 데려다줬어.
B. 참 친절하다.
A. 그러게. 정말 고마웠어. 그런 소소한 것들이 다 그립다.

A. Come to think of it many people helped me here.
B. What happened?
A. It was when I got lost on my first visit.
A group of kids came up to me and took me to my hotel.
B. They were so kind.
A. I know. I was so greatful. I miss all those little things.

One line speaking​​
-. It was my first visit to that place.

Three Line Dialogue​​
-. I got lost when I first got here.
-. How did you get back to your hotel?
-. A nice group of kids helped me out.

Pattern and speaking grammar​​
-. Come to think of it I left my wallet at home/there is a good pizza place near by.​

Book in book project​​
[miss 드라마, 영화] ~를 못보고 지나가다

-. That movie, it's not in feeder any more.
-. Really? Oh, no. we missed that movie.
-. Yes, we can't see that movie any more.

-. I miss the concert.
-. Did you see the big concert in New York?
-. No, I missed the performance.

입트영(ebs입이트이는영어) 11월 19일 College Clubs 대학 동아리
from here and there

When you enter college, you can experience a lot of activities other than studying. Chief among these is joining a club. If you have a hobby or if you are interested in self-improvement, you can find a club that can help you do that. Back when I was in school, these clubs were also called "circles."

There are a variety of clubs. If you are into music, you can join a band. You can learn to play the acoustic guitar, the bass guitar, or the drums. You can also boost your confidence through regular performances.

Campus life is a good time to create memories through these various activities. College clubs help you enjoy the things you truly want to do. They are also a great opportunity to connect with lots of people.

​대학교에 입학하면, 학업 외에도 여러 가지 활동들을 경험할 수 있다. 그중 대표적인 것이 동아리 활동이다. 취미가 있거나 자기 계발에 관심이 있으면, 그에 도움이 되는 동아리를 찾으면 된다. 내가 학교 다닌 때는 이러한 동아리를 '서클'이라고 부르기도 했다.

동아리들은 정말 다양하다. 음악을 좋아하면, 밴드 동아리에 가입할 수 있다. 통 기타, 베이스 기타, 드럼 연주법을 배울 수 있다. 그리고 정기적인 공연을 통해 자신감을 키울 수도 있다.

대학 생활은 이렇게 다양한 활동을 통해 추억을 쌓을 수 있는 좋은 기간이다. 대학 동아리는 자기가 진정으로 하고 싶은 활동을 마음껏 즐길 수 있도록 해 주고, 많은 사람들과 교감할 수 있는 좋은 기회이기도 하다.

[Key Expressions]
. chief among these 이중 대표적인 것
. join a club 동아리에 가입하다
. self-improvement 자기 계발
. back when I was in school 내가 학교 다니던 시절에는
. a variety of 다양한 종류의
. be into ~을 좋아하다
. learn to play (악기) 연주를 배우다
. boost someone's confidence 자신감을 키우다

. campus life 대학 생활
. create memories 추억을 쌓다
. the things you truly want to do 진정으로 하고 싶은 것
. a great opportunity 좋은 기회
. connect with ~와 교감하다

[Pattern Practices]​​

join a club 동아리에 가입하다​
-. Joining a club was the first thing I did when I went college.
-. I learned more about the game after I joined the club.

boost one's confidence 자신감을 북돋아주다​
-. Reading her text message boosted my confidence.
-. I wanted to say something that would boost his confidence.

great opportunity 좋은 기회​
-. The internship was a great opportunity for me.
-. A crisis can turn into a great opportunity.

[Dialogue Practice]​​

A. Were you in any club back in school?
B. I was in at theater club at my school.
A. Oh, really? Then did you appear in plays?
B. Sure, a couple of times. How about you?
A. I was in a travel club. It was an interschool club(연합클럽) so I was able to meet students from other school's on the road(여행중에).​
B. Really? That sounds fun. Looking back I have a lot of fond memories of club activities.
