2020년 4월 23일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio shows (이지잉글리쉬, 입트영)
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2020년 4월 23일 내가 좋아하는 EBS radio shows (이지잉글리쉬, 입트영)


[Easy English] 2020 4. 23. I'll take you there​. From 자리찾기.

​​A. 여기가 어디지? 아...길을 잃었네. 전화기가 또 꺼졌어.
B. 실례지만 도와드릴까요?
A. 네, 고맙습니다. 네르하로 가는 버스 정류장을 찾고있어요.
B. 저랑 같이 가시죠. 제가 데려다 드릴게요. 친구를 데리러 시내로 가는중이거든요.
A. 감사합니다. 네르하가 꼭 가봐야하는 곳이라고 하더라구요.

A. Where am I? I'm lost... Oh, my phone is dead again.
B.Excuse me, do you need help?
A. Yes, thanks. I'm looking for a bus stop for Nerja.
B. Come with me. I'll take you there(I'll show you the way to get there).
     I'm headed downtown to pick up my friend.
A. Thank you. I heard that Nerja is a must visit place.

One line speaking​​

-. Can you point me in the right direction?

Three Line Dialogue​​

-. I think I'm lost.
-. Where are you trying to go?
-. I'm trying to find a bus stop.

Pattern and speaking grammar​​

-. I'm head it to book store/the market to get some books/to buy some grocery.

Book in book project​​

[remember that(if) S V] that/if 이하를 기억하다​
-. Did I call you that day? Now I remember that I called you
-. Yeah, it was last Sunday. Why did you call me?
-. I forgot.
-. You look so familliar.
-. Really?
-. I don't remeber if we've met before.

입트영(2020.04.23) - Digestion Problems / 소화 불량

[Study Group Questions]

1. What are some common reasons people develop digestion problems?
2. Describe the most effective way to cure indigestion.
3. What are some traditional remedies for indigestion? Do you think they are effective?


Describe a time when you had indigestion.


Last week, I had an upset stomach because of something I ate. I had a rough time. I was so busy with work that I was really stressed out. I skipped lunch and I was starving when I had dinner.
My stomach began to cramp up at night. I was running a fever, and I got a cold sweat. My stomach felt very uncomfortable, and I couldn't do anything. I took some medicine that I found at home, but to no avail. I just had to force myself to go to sleep.
The symptoms went on until the next morning, so I went to see the doctor. I got a prescription and received the medicine at a pharmacy. I had to take it easy for a few days and eat porridge until I fully recovered.


지난주에 먹은 것이 체해서 큰 고생을 했다. 일이 너무 바빠서 스트레스를 많이 받고 있는 상태였다. 그날 점심을 거르고, 배고픈 상태에서 저녁을 먹었다.
밤에 배가 아프기 시작했다. 열이 나고, 식은땀도 났다. 속이 매우 불편하고 아무것도 할 수 없었다. 집에 있는 소화제를 찾아서 복용했는데 별 소용이 없었다. 어쩔수 없이 그냥 잠을 청했다.
다음 날 아침까지 증상이 지속되어 병원에 갔다. 처방전을 받고 약국에 가서 약을 받았다. 며칠 간 무리하지 않고, 완쾌될 때까지 죽을 먹어야 했다.

[Key Expressions]

have an upset stomach 배탈이 나다, 체하다
have a rough time 고생을 하다
stressed out 스트레스를 심하게 받는
skip lunch 점심 식사를 거르다
be starving 몹시 허기가 지다
cramp up 경련이 나다
run a fever 열이 나다
get a cold sweat 식은땀이 나다
take some medicine 약을 복용하다
to no avail 헛되이, 효과 없이
symptom 증상
go to see the doctor 병원에 가다
get a prescription 처방을 받다
take it easy 무리하지 않다
porridge 죽
fully recover 완쾌되다

[Pattern Practice]

1. have an upset stomach 배탈이 나다, 체하다
■ I had an upset stomach because of something I ate.
■ I get a headache whenever I have an upset stomach.
■ I had an upset stomach on my way to work.

2. get a cold sweat 식은땀이 나다
■ I was running a fever, and I got a cold sweat.
■ I got a cold sweat and woke up in the middle of the night.
■ I got a cold sweat as I took the pop quiz.

3. take it easy 무리하지 않다
■ I had to take it easy for a few days.
■ You should take it easy for a few weeks.
■ I told him to take it easy and calm down.

[Dialogue Practice]

A: Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.
B: I think something i ate disagreed with me.
A: Really? Did you have lunch in a hurry?
B: No, I didn't have lunch at all. I think last night's dinner was the problem.
A: Is that it? Why don't you take some medicine?
B: I did, but it was no good.
A: Then you should go see a doctor.
B: It's not that bad. I'll just tough it out. I'm sure I'll be better in a bit.

A: 어디 아프니? 안색이 좀 안 좋아 보인다.
B: 나 아무래도 먹은 게 체한 것 같아.
A: 정말? 점심을 급하게 먹었어?
B: 아니, 점심은 먹지도 못했어. 어제 먹은 저녁이 문제였던 것 같아.
A: 그래? 소화제를 먹지 그래.
B: 먹었는데, 별 소용이 없었어.
A: 그럼 병원에 한번 가 봐.
B: 그 정도는 아니야. 그냥 참아 볼래. 조금 있으면 낫겠지.

[Key Expressions]

look pale 창백해 보이다
disagree with something I eat 먹은 것이 체하다
in a hurry 급하게
take some medicine 약을 복용하다
be no good 효과가 없다
go see a doctor 병원에 가다
tough it out 참고 버티다

[Composition Practice]

1. 배탈이 나서 점심은 건너뛰었다. (have an upset stomach)
2. 너무 불안해서 식은땀이 났어. (get a cold sweat)
3. 그녀한테 무리하지 말라고 여러 번 얘기했는데, 들으려 하지 않았어. (take it easy)
4. 뭔가 잘못 먹고 체해서 죽밖에 못 먹어. (disagree with something I eat)
5. 병원에 갈 시간이 없어서 참고 버티는 수밖에 없었다. (tough it out)

출처: https://gonzi.tistory.com/3599?category=428847 [困知™]
