[Easy English] 2018. 9. 17. Are you traveling on your own?
A. 안녕하세요, 비행기에서 봤어요. 혼자 여행중이세요?
B. 네, 처음으로 혼자 여행하는 거에요. 조금 떨려요.
A. 익숙해지실거에요. 걱정 마세요. 터키만 여행하세요?
B. 아니요, 금요일까지 여기 있다가 비행기로 아테네에 갈거에요.
A. Hi, I saw you on the plane. Are you traveling on your own?
B. Yes, it's my first time traveling alone. I'm a little bit nervous.
A. You'll get used to it. Don't worry. Are you traveling only in Turkey?
B. No, I'll be here until Friday and then fly to Athens.
Complete sentences
* Yes, it's my first time...
* I'll be here...
Pattern in sentences
-. It's my first time staying in a 한옥/running a marathon/flying to 제주.
-. you'll get used to this rule/to the spicyness of Korean food/the weather.
-. I'll be traveling in Turkey until Friday and then I'll fly to Athens.
Useful sentences
-> I'm suffering from jet lag/I've got jetlag.
입트영 스크립트 (2018.9.17) Health Insurance / 건강 보험
Health Insurance 건강 보험
한국의 건강 보험 제도에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
우리나라는 공공 보험 성격의 국민 건강 보험이라는 제도가 있다. 누구나 의무적으로 가입을 하게 되어 있다. 이 보험 체계 하에서, 병원에서 치료를 받을 때 비용을 공제받거나 건강 검진을 받을 때 혜택을 받을 수 있다. 하지만 큰 수술이나 입원 치료를 받을 때는 환자가 비용을 대야 한다. 이런 경우에는 목돈이 필요한데, 이는 사보험을 통해서 혜택을 받을 수 있다. 보험사마다 보장 정책도 다양하고 그에 따라 비용도 천차만별이다. 외국보다도 보험료가 싼 편이며 보장 내용이 좋기 때문에, 많은 사람들이 사보험에 가입한다. 상품에 따라서는 치료비뿐만 아니라 생계비도 일부 지원되어 많은 도움이 된다.
Talk about the health insurance plans in Korea.
In Korea, there is a national health insurance policy which is a public insurance policy of sorts. Everyone is compelled to join. Under this insurance system, people can deduct costs when undergoing treatment in a hospital. They can also enjoy benefits when receiving medical check-ups. However, the patient must cover the costs for major surgeries or in-patient treatment. A lump sum of money is needed in such cases. This can be covered by private insurance. Insurance companies offer various coverage policies, and the costs very accordingly. Insurance premiums are cheaper than in other countries, and the insurance coverage is good, so many people sign up for private insurance. Depending on the policy, living expenses are partially supported in addition to treatment costs. This can be very helpful.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
national health insurance policy 국민 건강 보험 제도
insurance policy 보험 제도
of softs 일종의
compelled to 의무적으로 ~하는
deduct cost 비용을 공제하다
undergo treatment 치료를 받다
enjoy benefit 혜택을 누리다
medical check-up 건강 검진
cover the cost 비용을 지불하다
in-patient treatment 입원 치료
lump sum (of money) 목돈
private insrance 사보험
coverage policy 보상 정책
insurance premium 보험료
insurance coverage 보험 보장 범위
sign up 가입하다, 신청하다
living expenses 생활비
treatment cost 치료비
[Pattern Practice]
1. insurance policy 보험 제도
In Korea, there is a public insurance policy.
I need your help choosing an insurance policy.
Medical costs would be high without an insurance policy.
2. compelled to 의무적으로 ~하는
Everyone is compelled to join.
Members of our study group are compelled to come to each gathering.
Students are compelled to take a quiz each week.
3. medical check-up 검강 검진
People can enjoy benefits when receivingmedical check-ups.
I can't eat because I have a medical check-up tomorrow.
How long has it been since your last medical check-up?
4. lump sum (of money) 목돈
A lump sum of money is needed in such cases.
I don't have enough money to loan you a lump sum.
I need a lump sum of money to live in this apartment.
5. sign up 가입하다, 신청하다
Many people sign up for private insurance.
Signing up for a membership is free.
I signed up at a gym, but I don't go often.
[Speaking Tips]
in-patient treatment
입원 치료
환자가 병원 내에 머물며 받는 '입원 치료'를 in-patient treatment라고 하는 것과 마찬가지로, 병원 밖을 오가며 받는 '통원 치료'는 out-patient treatment라고 한다. 각 경우에 해당되는 환자를 각각 in-patient, out-patient라고 부른다.
I was hurt in the accident, but I didn't need in-patient treatment.
I received out-patient treatment for a sore knee.
[Expression of the Day]
It cost an arm and a leg.
비용이 굉장히 많이 들었어.
A: How did your surgery go? Do you feel better now?
B: Thanks for asking. I feel much better, but it cost an arm and a leg.
A: Oh no! Didn't your insurance cover the cost?
B: Unfortunately, my insurance policy doesn't cover in-patient treatment.
스크립트 듣기
A. 안녕하세요, 비행기에서 봤어요. 혼자 여행중이세요?
B. 네, 처음으로 혼자 여행하는 거에요. 조금 떨려요.
A. 익숙해지실거에요. 걱정 마세요. 터키만 여행하세요?
B. 아니요, 금요일까지 여기 있다가 비행기로 아테네에 갈거에요.
A. Hi, I saw you on the plane. Are you traveling on your own?
B. Yes, it's my first time traveling alone. I'm a little bit nervous.
A. You'll get used to it. Don't worry. Are you traveling only in Turkey?
B. No, I'll be here until Friday and then fly to Athens.
Complete sentences
* Yes, it's my first time...
* I'll be here...
Pattern in sentences
-. It's my first time staying in a 한옥/running a marathon/flying to 제주.
-. you'll get used to this rule/to the spicyness of Korean food/the weather.
-. I'll be traveling in Turkey until Friday and then I'll fly to Athens.
Useful sentences
-> I'm suffering from jet lag/I've got jetlag.
입트영 스크립트 (2018.9.17) Health Insurance / 건강 보험
Health Insurance 건강 보험
한국의 건강 보험 제도에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
우리나라는 공공 보험 성격의 국민 건강 보험이라는 제도가 있다. 누구나 의무적으로 가입을 하게 되어 있다. 이 보험 체계 하에서, 병원에서 치료를 받을 때 비용을 공제받거나 건강 검진을 받을 때 혜택을 받을 수 있다. 하지만 큰 수술이나 입원 치료를 받을 때는 환자가 비용을 대야 한다. 이런 경우에는 목돈이 필요한데, 이는 사보험을 통해서 혜택을 받을 수 있다. 보험사마다 보장 정책도 다양하고 그에 따라 비용도 천차만별이다. 외국보다도 보험료가 싼 편이며 보장 내용이 좋기 때문에, 많은 사람들이 사보험에 가입한다. 상품에 따라서는 치료비뿐만 아니라 생계비도 일부 지원되어 많은 도움이 된다.
Talk about the health insurance plans in Korea.
In Korea, there is a national health insurance policy which is a public insurance policy of sorts. Everyone is compelled to join. Under this insurance system, people can deduct costs when undergoing treatment in a hospital. They can also enjoy benefits when receiving medical check-ups. However, the patient must cover the costs for major surgeries or in-patient treatment. A lump sum of money is needed in such cases. This can be covered by private insurance. Insurance companies offer various coverage policies, and the costs very accordingly. Insurance premiums are cheaper than in other countries, and the insurance coverage is good, so many people sign up for private insurance. Depending on the policy, living expenses are partially supported in addition to treatment costs. This can be very helpful.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
national health insurance policy 국민 건강 보험 제도
insurance policy 보험 제도
of softs 일종의
compelled to 의무적으로 ~하는
deduct cost 비용을 공제하다
undergo treatment 치료를 받다
enjoy benefit 혜택을 누리다
medical check-up 건강 검진
cover the cost 비용을 지불하다
in-patient treatment 입원 치료
lump sum (of money) 목돈
private insrance 사보험
coverage policy 보상 정책
insurance premium 보험료
insurance coverage 보험 보장 범위
sign up 가입하다, 신청하다
living expenses 생활비
treatment cost 치료비
[Pattern Practice]
1. insurance policy 보험 제도
In Korea, there is a public insurance policy.
I need your help choosing an insurance policy.
Medical costs would be high without an insurance policy.
2. compelled to 의무적으로 ~하는
Everyone is compelled to join.
Members of our study group are compelled to come to each gathering.
Students are compelled to take a quiz each week.
3. medical check-up 검강 검진
People can enjoy benefits when receivingmedical check-ups.
I can't eat because I have a medical check-up tomorrow.
How long has it been since your last medical check-up?
4. lump sum (of money) 목돈
A lump sum of money is needed in such cases.
I don't have enough money to loan you a lump sum.
I need a lump sum of money to live in this apartment.
5. sign up 가입하다, 신청하다
Many people sign up for private insurance.
Signing up for a membership is free.
I signed up at a gym, but I don't go often.
[Speaking Tips]
in-patient treatment
입원 치료
환자가 병원 내에 머물며 받는 '입원 치료'를 in-patient treatment라고 하는 것과 마찬가지로, 병원 밖을 오가며 받는 '통원 치료'는 out-patient treatment라고 한다. 각 경우에 해당되는 환자를 각각 in-patient, out-patient라고 부른다.
I was hurt in the accident, but I didn't need in-patient treatment.
I received out-patient treatment for a sore knee.
[Expression of the Day]
It cost an arm and a leg.
비용이 굉장히 많이 들었어.
A: How did your surgery go? Do you feel better now?
B: Thanks for asking. I feel much better, but it cost an arm and a leg.
A: Oh no! Didn't your insurance cover the cost?
B: Unfortunately, my insurance policy doesn't cover in-patient treatment.
스크립트 듣기
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